Coffeehouse Brings a Little Bit of Home to Bellingham Campus

Taylor Hallquist
4 min readJan 27, 2016


The Underground Coffeehouse has a cup for everyone.

Taylor Hallquist

The Underground Coffeehouse; Bellingham, Washington

If you have ever watched the hit TV show “Friends” then the infamous ‘Central Perk’ might look a little like Western Washington University’s The Underground Coffeehouse. It is the ultimate Instagram worthy coffee spot on campus. A typical Bellingham day, chilly and overcast, it brings a few more people indoors to the hole in the wall place. You may get a little lost trying to find if you’re not familiar with the campus. It is located on the third floor of the Viking Union. A central hub around the campus for its convince of a bus stop, bookstore, and food access essential for any college student.

Manager of The Underground with training materials.

You walk down the three flights of stairs to reach the entrance to the shop I begin to gain a clearer and clearer view of the bay through the thin fog. Walk in and you are welcomed by the vast aroma of coffee. The smell just wakes up the senses of many tired students from a late night study sesh from the previous evening. Towards the back of the room you weave between mismatched furniture, rugs and barstool filled with various students. As you approach the counter you’ll find a plethora of pastries and snacks. On this particular day 3 women stand behind it. Two look like students and their manager who is hard to forget with her bright purple hair. After ordering a drink find a nice corner nook to settle into for a while. A dim floor and side table lamps light the small coffee shop that give off an intimate feel. The natural light pouring in from the wall of windows provides the rest. The staff was very friendly taking my order and the girl who took my order brought a smile to my face after she complemented my scarf. My small chai tea latte was made within 2–3 minutes and into a medium so I’m not complaining. But don’t expect that every time some of the feedback I heard when I asked a few “regulars” was that the wait can range anywhere from 3 minutes to 30 on busier days. A staff member that I spoke with said that the emphasis from the manager isn’t on getting it fast but getting it right. This particular employee also partakes in a crowd favorite of “latte art” which can also factor in a few extra minutes. Overall if you are trying to get a quick cup of coffee before rushing off to class go to the Starbucks on the 6th floor of the Viking Union, but if you’re just looking for a casual cup of jo then The Underground is the perfect.

The chairs and couches look like they are straight out of your grandma’s living room. Everything has a “lived in” feel and the combination of mismatched chairs and couches give and eclectic feel. Muffled jazzy-alternative music plays most of the time, maybe a few volumes too loud for a coffee study space. But never the less you’ll always feel very comfortable and safe. The space never seems overly crowded or empty, filled with friendly people. All the voice blend together to almost produce a symphony of discussion. Whether it be a job interview or a place to catch up, The Underground is a great environment to hold a conversation in. The place markets itself as a casual coffee shop but also as a gathering spot for student to come and enjoy the company of others. If you enjoy a good cup of coffee and cool people this is the place to be.

All the people here seem to have either the purpose of getting homework done or just catch up with a friend. This place doesn’t just seem like any coffee shop; it feels like a piece of home. You may have to do a little bit of searching for it, but I’m telling you it’s worth the search. The hidden gem of this little coffeehouse is that you could spend hours on hours in there without feeling like a lot of time has gone by. As people come and go the comfortableness and coziness never leave. Bellingham is not my home but having places like The Underground make it feel a little less far away.

