Commonly asked Interview questions

Ashu Jha
Student Voices
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2016

When you get an interview call, you feel so excited but at the same time, you feel a bit nervous. Going for an interview can make you feel like you are going to school to give an exam again. It is important for you to focus on not getting rejected than concentrating on getting selected. HR interview is a short listing process, not a selection process. First few minutes are very important and so do the first few questions. The interviewers do not know anything about you. The impression you make in the first few questions, is going to set tone for the entire session and plays a huge factor. Before we start, remember that, there is no right or wrong answer. All you have to do is answering in a right way, but the answer in itself depends on the candidate.

1. Tell me about yourself

This question is asked most of the time in an interview. The way you answer this question decides the rest of the interview. You can earn a lot of points if this is answered right. The best way to answer this question is given below:

Tell about your family, your hobbies, etc., Tell briefly about your educational background. Talk about your experience in a way that positions you as being a perfect match for the role. Do not talk about your weakness and strength in this question. Keep the answer to just about 3–4 sentences. Keep the answer simple, to the point and give space and time for further questions. Do not stretch it too much.

2. Why should we hire you?

The most common way to answer this question is to list achievements and accomplishments, and if you are a fresher, you can’t commit to any expertise in any specific domain. So this question is intended to understand what quality of yours will be helpful most for the company. Knowledge about company and what quality of yours suits the organization, is the key to answer this. Talk about your internships and industry exposure, your positive working style, etc.,

3. Why do you want to join this company?

A common way to this question is to compliment the company. Mention some good word about the company at the same time, try to align a strength of yours with the company vision or goal or working culture. Your answer should revolve around the mission, vision, and values of the company. Talk about the values of the company. Talk about how the mission speaks to you.

4. What do you see yourself in five years from now?

This question can trip up a lot of candidates as it can be tricky to answer. This is a question intended to know, what are your career aspirations, how long would you be committed to the organization, is there any plans for you to move on, etc. If you have an actual plan, explain it with reasoning. If you do not have any specific plans as of then, give a generic answer along with some interesting activity, you would like to take up. Use this as an opportunity to talk about why you’re interested in them.

5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

A job candidate will often answer by calling themselves a hard worker. Most people don’t know their greatest strength. This is a trick question. The expectation here is to answer a negative trait with a positive twist. Something which in general a weak point of a person, but is alright from an organization perspective.



Ashu Jha
Student Voices

Digital Marketing Consultant, Content Creator & Writer.