My neigbor, Liberaldo.

Luiz Faria
1 min readJan 22, 2016


Today, walking to the bakery, I found my neighbor, Liberaldo, which came up with a broad smile:

- Good morning, Professor!
- Good morning.
- Professor, can I ask a question?
- Yes, do the second. Rsss!
- Are you a communist?
- …
- Don’t get upset, they say the Communists are destroying Brazil and I like you, but I do not want to talk with communists.
- So, the Communists are destroying Brazil, Liberaldo?
- They say that, do not you agree, sir?
- Well, let me understand: we live in a world that the hegemonic system is capitalism, currently the planetary ecosystem is being destroyed at an unprecedented rate in history, most of humanity was launched on a hell of misery, 1% of humans has nearly 50% of all wealth, here in Brazil everything is in crisis less private banks and the problem is communism?
- They say that, Professor!
- And what do you think about it, Liberaldo?
- …
- Good day, Liberaldo!
- Good day…

Liberaldo moved away, with nothing else to say.

