Degrees, Credentials, Badges, Jobs, Careers and the Skills Gap

heather wetzler
Student Voices
Published in
1 min readJun 28, 2017

The beta for Cue Career is done — — now we are in the process of re-doing the UX and UI based on the user feedback. So in the meantime, as we bring on more associations — I am thinking about trying to blog once a week about what we are hoping to accomplish at Cue Career.

The topics of the blogs will be around the skills gap, jobs, career, badging and credentials. I look forward to connecting with all of you on these important topics.

In the meantime — let me know if there are any topics that interest all of you. If you want me to focus more on the skills gap. Or is badging and credentialing going to be more important than a college degree. Would love to hear from you.



heather wetzler
Student Voices

Founder of EdTech start-up: Cue Career, Hustling-trying to make a difference, l came from deviantART .com and Hearst