Disappointments in life

Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018

Disappointments kept coming,
It’s hard to go on ,
Rejection kept on going ,
Problems kept creeping in ,
But what make life interesting is our perception,
It’s about seeing things differently.
Learn the art of turning advesrities into opportunity.

Everything that you touch withers away into darkness,
It's okay .
Keep moving .
We all make mistakes in life,
Life is about making it right .

We all have dark days,
We face disappointed,
Life will push us to brink of failures,
We fall down with unbearable pain of problems .

We have two choices -
Either let life crush you ,
You get up .

We all break pieces of life,
But sometimes life is about setting things right,
It's about joining the broken pieces of puzzle,
to create a beautiful picture .

Sometimes, some moments will be tough,
Life,it's never going to be easy,
Looking back we realise that it's those tearful moment's
that hepled us grow .

We grow through each problems,
We learn through each mistakes ,
Sometimes life should be challenging to know it's worth,
Every moment in life will seem alive,
Its that crispness of life that helps us move on .

There is always life in death,
Thats what nature has taught us .
For every end, there is new ray of hope,
 A new door of opportunities.

Hold on till the Storm passes ,
It's that hope of seeing light keeps us moving .

Why worry,
Why taking everything yourselves,
Let go of the pain,
Talk it out .
Don't do this alone .

Sometimes, all it takes is a hug from our family .
To embrace us till the Storm passes .
Sometimes - all it takes is a pat on our shoulder and saying
" it's all right , I am there for you "
to turn our sadness to joy .

Let it go .
Don’t keep on holding to past,
Turn the page.
Who knows what life has there for us .
It takes one step to change our life.
Take the step of the positivity.
Explore into life,
you will see magical things in life.

Enjoy every fruitful moment,
Because life goes by the wink of an eye.
So don't keep complaining about what you didn't have in life .
Sometimes, life is about being happy with what you have in life .

So let go the pain ,
Enjoy things around ,
And life will be beautiful .

