Ending the Blame Game

Unifying the country starting with students.

Evan Nibbe
Student Voices
6 min readJul 16, 2016


Replacing the NCLB, ESSA and Testing

Replacing scarcity mindsets with friends on both sides of the isle.

We, the people, need to be able to negotiate. Americans are by far the worst negotiators in the world, vying with Germans for last place. All we hear is “Majority rule!” or “Minority rights!” or “Constitution [Uber Alles]!” Negotiation seems to have no place in our society because with a bare majority anywhere, anything can be passed, but then the other side will always be left out, or we don’t know how to negotiate, so the other side gets everything they want and we get nothing.

This needs to change.

That is why I wish to propose a major change to public school systems away from an emphasis on testing towards who knows what kind of future to be based around student congresses that try to model our government in voting for other students (1/5th of the school) to come up with codes of conduct with the principal for students and teachers, and then in the House, coming up with creative solutions to the most pressing partisan problems facing our government today.

Here it is:

Everyone starts in a house-like setting consisting of everyone in the entire school plus however many teachers necessary to make it a multiple of ten people there.

Everyone creates their own committee of 5 people and will send one person to be a Senator.

Everyone then takes a test for where they stand as a Republican or Democrat, a computer then decides to add them to either the Republican or Democratic party based on that test and what it takes to make both parties equal in size (senators are not divided and form their own committees by choice).

Committees shall be created in the House by a computer to make each committee with:

For schools with under 1,000 students:

Either 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats or 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats,

For schools with between 1,000 and 2,000 students:

Either 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats or 4 Republicans and 4 Democrats or 5 Republicans and 5 Democrats,

For schools with over 2,000 students:

Either 4 Republicans and 4 Democrats or 5 Republicans and 5 Democrats or 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats or 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats,

Each committee shall refer one piece of legislation every three weeks to the entire house, they shall have one day on the second week and every three weeks thereafter to author legislation, it takes a majority of the committee in order to refer legislation to the whole House and anyone in the committee may come up with legislation until one piece is referred to the whole House.

Students gain points with either good oratory or passing partisan legislation for their party both through their house and through the other house, and repassing with 2/3rds consent in both should the principal of the school veto their legislation.

Students lose points if the hypothetical government isn’t funded by an appropriations bill that passes as other legislation (this legislation only lasts six weeks), or if they vote against their party’s values.

Should any student try to harm another student, the attempter must be rapped on the knuckles.

Should any student harm another student during a session, the harmer must be hit on his/her bottom.

Party Values:



Lust or sex (outside of the exclusive, lifetime commitment of marriage between one woman and one man) is against our values.

It is perfectly reasonable and should be promoted/accepted.

Businesses must be protected even if it means hurting the environment.

The environment must be protected even if it means hurting businesses.

We need a strong military.

We need a weak military.

The government may only enforce laws.

The government may only be compassionate.

The government’s first mission is to kill murderers.

The death penalty is against our values and no minority should be represented in prisons more than white people.

American citizens with good marksmanship and social skills deserve at the very least M16s.

The existence of firearms is against our values.

All forms of abortion are against our values.

Abortion must be protected and provided on taxpayer dollars.

Freedom of Speech only applies to offensive speech.

Freedom of Speech only applies to non-offensive speech.

Americans must be protected from foreigners.

Foreigners must be protected from Americans.

Debt is against our values.

Surpluses are against our values.

Private property must be protected.

Property should be divided on the principles of merit, equality and avenging historical oppression.

Taxes must be equal for everyone.

The rich should pay more unless they invest in helping the United States.

One person from each committee whom the committee shall choose shall have 2 minutes to tell the House why their legislation should pass (using the script the committee shall agree to) with 1 minute of questioning, in all cases the person the House agrees to make Speaker shall indicate the order of which committees shall speak and shall have power of recognition over whom they saw rise first to give a question or a motion to either have a vote, extend questioning time, or “table” a topic. There may be 5, 2-minute speeches going from each side of the isle which shall divide Republicans and Democrats, the Speaker shall have power of recognition over who rose first and has not had a turn to speak, for all votes on bills to pass there shall be the ability for all students to read the bills beforehand, and the students shall vote using the fastest and most name-oriented fashion that they know of, whether that be a roll call or using information technology. Votes on motions shall be done by voice vote where if it sounds about even (Ayes v. Nays) on motions to vote the motion shall be considered upheld, on any other motion it is not upheld.

The teachers that aren’t participating should make sure they know whether or not something passes, whether or not someone stepped out of party lines, and whether or not someone spoke, so as to grade everyone correctly, and give encouragement if necessary.

This bill shall not be construed so as to affect public policy in any area other than in this class in which every public school student shall participate once each week.

The Senate (of students) shall have the power to:

  1. Make treaties with the principal and 2/3rds consent of the senators present on the proper conduct of students and teachers, the powers of teachers over their students, and the rights of visitors.
  2. Give an “up” or “down” vote on legislation passed by the House on their individual consciouses.
  3. Try any teacher for not punishing bullies seriously enough or not following the above treaties should they be passed that year to have them fired or the case moved to the state or federal legal courts, which shall not happen without 2/3rds consent.
  4. Hire the teachers the principal wants hired should there be majority consent.
  5. Give each individual’s full opinion or vote without the threat of backlash.

The teachers shall have the power to:

  1. Use the powers given to them by this bill and by the treaties passed in the Senate.
  2. Grade senators based on their oratorical ability and fulfilling the promises they made to the four people that gave them their right to be in the Senate, and all students based on their participation in all classes approved by the state.
  3. Try any student for breaking the codes of conduct treaties passed by the Senate for expulsion or sending the offense to state or federal legal courts given 2/3rds consent of all the teachers.

The nearest resident who is a judge or justice for state or federal courts shall be called in to preside over these said trials, the Senate shall be otherwise presided over by the vice principal.

This bill replaces the bills titled “No Child Left Behind” and the “Every Student Succeeds Act,” this is an unfunded mandate for the states, but the Department of Education should step in to provide help if a school system is struggling to enforce this bill, the Department of Education shall have no other purpose.

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