Higher Education?

WTF did he just say?

Student Voices
3 min readJan 4, 2018


I have been overwhelmed by the amount of stupidity that has been happening. And what happens when I get overwhelmed?

I binge youtube videos.

Whatever happens to be on my feed, I take a look at it. Lately, there has been a reoccurring subject in the videos I have seen. And it has left me with one question:

What the fuck is happening to our colleges?

Let’s look at this video particularly:

So this is how I know high education is failing us? He just compared a two years to a tree. WTF.

Do we know the meaning of Sentient? I don’t think this guy does.




able to perceive or feel things.

This man argues that abortion up until 2 can be acceptable because a 2 year old is “unable to communicate”. “Without communication we have no way of knowing you are sentient or not…”

You sir, do not have kids. Your still in college, so that’s good. But let Mama Siren here share some things with you.

First, read a dictionary. Going by the definition of sentient, A child is Sentient from the moment it born.

Second, a child also communicates from the moment it is born. They are just unable to communicate in a way we understand. Different cries, different noises, different faces that show different emotions. At that age, it is there form of communication.

Example: ( A proper example) When my son is thirsty or wants some food, he brings me his cup or his bowl. That’s how he let’s know what he wants.

When my cats or my dog is hungry, they essentially do the same thing, and bring me their bowl.

My pets don’t talk to me, but they can communicate.

You don’t have to talk to communicate.

Now that that has been said…


I am pro-life, except in certain severe cases (Incest, Rape Medical issues and one other reason). So I am not even for abortion in the womb.

Now your talking about when the child is independent from it’s mother. News flash: once the baby is born, it doesn’t NEED its mother any more. What I mean is, it no longer needs only her. Anyone can take of the baby, The father, the grandmother, the sister, a nanny.

Once the baby is born, it is it’s person, living it’s own life.

Just let it live.

How would you feel if your parents had shared the thoughts and opinions you have you? I honestly don’t think you would be here if they did.

(S/N: I will be trying to attend the Woman’s March in NYC this year and plan to write a piece about the expereience. I need a good sign though…..Thoughts?)

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Student Voices

Give me the facts and I'll give you my opinion 👌👍