How do I inspire the students to learn writing?

Ralph Hua
Student Voices
Published in
1 min readJan 13, 2017

This question popped up in my Quora suggestions to answer.

It is good to start by encouraging them to read more often. And more widely.

After some time reading, most will develop a tendency to want to express their ideas. Be it vocally or via the written word.

Next, you can help them set up a blog where they can write whatever they wish without thinking of whether anyone would read it or not. Just write.

I have seen others go the easier and less demanding route, which is to tweet.

The economy of words is a good practice for concise writing and expression.

Learning is all about doing. Or at least very much on doing.

For me, my practice started on Quora.

I try to answer question a few times a week. And since my first answer posted in November 2014, I have garnered 81K views. Nothing to boost about but nothing to be ashamed of.

What’s important is you find a place to practice.

