I’m Tired

Angie Bayliss Still
Student Voices
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2016

I’m tired of working hard and never getting ahead.

I’m sick of having my job eliminated or down-sized every couple of years.

I’m tired of CEOs who make seven-figure salaries feign outrage about a $15 minimum wage.

I’m tired of watching good friends set up “Go Fund Me” pages to help pay for their medical bills.

I’m tired of feeling guilty because my children will graduate from college with the gift of $40,000 worth of student loan debt because I could not afford to pay for their college.

I’m tired of watching my co-worker work two full-time jobs so his family can live in a safe place.

I’m tired of seeing people’s children going to school and getting gunned down and then no one doing anything about it.

I’m tired of watching an 80-year-old lady cry because she cannot afford her medication.

I’m tired of people who insinuate Social Security and Unemployment are welfare programs.

I’m tired of Mexicans being accused of taking “good” jobs when the truth is the corporation shipped production to another country to increase stock shares by 0.87%.

I’m tired of religious nut jobs trampling on the rights of the LGBT community under the heading “Religious Freedom.”

I’m tired of seeing rich people get out a slap on the wrist for despicable crimes because they’re heirs to a fortune and politically well-connected.

I’m tired of bailing out the same bank who will not give me a loan because my credit score plummeted after some other bank I bailed out took my house.

I’m tired of spending trillions on defense when we have enough weapons and ammunition to obliterate the world hundreds of times.

I’m tired of going to war and so that Halliburton can make billions and billions of dollars while America loses hundreds of young men and women.

I’m tired of listening to sexist, radically conservative men discuss what I am allowed to do with my uterus and vagina. I’m tired of worrying about laws being passed that rob me of my reproductive rights because the balance in the government branches tipped a little too far to the right.

I’m tired of Muslims, immigrants, refugees, welfare recipients, poor, old, unemployed, women, homeless, etc. being demonized by society as the reason(s) why things are so wrong.

I’m tired of seeing homeless veterans asking for my spare change.

I’m tired of our country sending millions in aid to foreign countries and then voting “no” to help American cities that resemble third world countries.

I’m tired of people being okay with cops shooting unarmed black males.

I’m tired of elections constantly being mishandled and wondering if my vote even counts.

I’m tired of having my tax dollars go to creating more prisons so that we can lock up people who commit victim-less crimes.

I’m tired of education being the first item on the chopping block when the budget has to be trimmed of excess “fat.”

I’m tired of wondering when it’s all gonna trickle down like they promised it would 30 years ago.

I’m tired of feeling hopeless about the current state of our nation — like it is just something I’m going to have to learn to live with.

I’m tired.

But more than that…

I’m pissed.



Angie Bayliss Still
Student Voices

I'm a multi-faceted individual who seeks to entertain &/or enlighten others. Life is about gaining experiences with no apologies, no regrets, and no fear.