Idea to Product

Digital Nomad Education
Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2016

Five months ago, I received an email from my business partner expressing an interest in creating a non-traditional classroom environment to facilitate the education of children who travel with their parents. Over the course of these five months, there has been meeting after meeting, internal discussions, and applications to various programs for funding. Five days ago, we created our first product.

I’m finding that the creation of a start up is a lot like having a child. First you need the initial idea. Then that idea incubates, grows, develops, and eventually feels like something real. Eventually, you begin to see the individual parts; however, you still can’t touch it. Then finally comes the day when the idea becomes a reality. It’s not grandiose or even pretty, but to the developer, it’s the start of something great. To the developer, it’s a weirdly contradicting feeling. Exciting? Yes! Frightening? A bit. Responsibility? Absolutely.

This is our first look at it:

First assignment for DINOEducation

Any reasonable person could look at that and say, “So what?” To us, it’s an idea turned to reality. It’s countless hours of discussion, a lot of frustration, and many more hours of research into one single product. Now comes the real responsibility. We need to refine, re-work, and re-think the products. We need to create more products and deliverables. Now is when the real work begins so that, not to be too gloomy, it doesn’t die. It will probably take late nights, early mornings, social sacrifices, and caffeine (or alcohol). I look forward to creating more posts about the journey. If you have time, visit to see what we’re doing!

