Is It Ok to Quit Your Studies?

Sinisa Milic
Student Voices
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2018

Are you currently studying and deciding whether to continue your studies or not? Surely the question that once pops into your head or might come is if it is ok to quit with your studies. This happens mostly because you are losing motivation at university. But does it really have to be that way? Well, in some cases it has. Do you want to find out more about when you should be justified and not criticized because of your decision?

Changing Direction

Maybe the choice you have made is not the right one, but not because of its difficulty, more because it does not interest you anymore. In cases where you discover that this is not something that you want to spend your life doing, it is ok to quit. But, it also depends from the point where you are at during your studies when you decide to quit. If you happen to be almost at the end or you have passed two thirds of the exams, then why don’t give it a go and make an effort to finish what you have started and then do something else and have later two different University degrees. If, however, you are at the beginning of your studies and you realise that you want to study something else, you have every right to end it. The earlier, the better.

Idea of Your Own Business

In case where you have found a great idea to start a new business and earn money, then maybe there is no need to study anymore. In this case you shouldn’t feel bad about quitting. But, that is to say, only if you don’t have the possibility to still continue your studies together with your business development, or you have already found a source of income and you are okay with it.

Great Job Offer

Another similar occasion is where you, out of nowhere, get a great job opportunity and you are undecided what to do, either kindly decline the generous offer or quit the studies. If it is a serious job with which you could make a living, and most importantly is something that you like and are interested in, then accepting this offer and quitting your studies will be the right choice. However, if you ever regret this decision, you can always start again later with your studies. A man is born to learn and he can learn till the end of his days.

You Don’t Need Your Graduation

If you are in a situation where you don’t necessarily need your graduation to find a job, because you will already have a job at some point and you don’t find it useful to have more qualifications, than it is up to you. An example could be that your family owns a business that you are going to inherit. But, remember that with a university degree your chances and opportunities will arise. Studying is also another part of living experience through adulthood, which can be great by the way if you give it a chance.

Serious Illness

In most unfortunate cases, where a serious illness takes place, you have every right to quit your studies, if it prevents your health from getting better. In case your family member is endangered and you need to take care of him/her, it is also ok to quit. In these cases, the priorities easily change and it is better to use the time at its best.

You Have Won the Lottery!

Changing the subject into more positive aspects, in case if you win the lottery, then with millions in your hand, why bother you with studying, lessons and exams? Just be wise, and invest this money in something, because otherwise, if you are using it without measure, the great treasure may disappear as suddenly as it came, and then you will regret it and regret also not having finished your studies.

Losing Motivation and Laziness

If you want to abandon your studies, just because you are currently losing your motivation or being particularly lazy, then it is an absolute NO to quitting your studies. Instead demoralising yourself and giving up, find the strength to go forward, learn how to be organized and most importantly push and force yourself to study a little, but every single day. If you give up now your studies because of laziness, you will thoroughly regret it later, probably when you are much older. And by giving up when it becomes difficult, you will be prone to giving up in all other future possibly difficult situations, and there will be many of them coming into your way during your life. Is this the life that you want for yourself?

Quitting your studies is not an easy decision to make, but by setting your priorities right and measuring pros and cons, you will be able to find out what is the best for you. Remember that either way you choose, nothing is lost forever, you can always continue later with your studies. But think, it is better not to have to do that later, but do it sooner, while you are still at it. With years, it becomes more difficult to study and more demotivating. Be brave and do not quit your studies, unless it is fully justified. Good luck with your decision!

