It’s a Jungle Out There

The Selfie Revolution is in full effect, our cavemen ancestors are looking down at us in confusion as we Instagram our food and notify everyone on Facebook each time we get a new haircut.

Kimberly Maxwell
Student Voices
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2016


The interconnectedness has reached all new levels and the integration is only going to continue. Curious minds run around, finding new and inventive ways to meet their curiosity, only to run into new things to be curious about. So, will this revolution ever end?

As the Big Bang Theory suggests the universe is constantly expanding, it’s endless, just like the creativity of the human mind. New idea’s come and they get replaced by newer one’s when we see the old idea’s are not really making the cut. The thing to recognise is, what are the single commonalities between these ideas or these trends that makes them so powerful but yet so fluid and forever changing?

Take the days when we harvested our own food, and compare it to today, where most of us see more of a screen, than nature in a day. What happened or changed to cause such a 180 degree turn? It is said that we move towards our goals and our values, whether we are conscious about it or not, and as a result somehow as the industrial revolution neared, the masses became farmers to technocrats within minutes. What does this have to say about our values?

Every person on this planet has a desire to fulfill their own set of values- there are people who strive to develop new technology and there are people who strive to use it. There are people who live to grow the food, and there are people who live to eat it. Every persons role is being unconsciously filled and as time goes on, we are becoming more and more individualised- we’ve gained a lot of time since not having to think about whether old Bessy the cow is going to make it through winter or whether the seeds were sown at the correct time.

We have more freedom to make the choices we desire and funnily enough, the ‘Selfie Revolution’ is just another way of expressing our individualisation. Everybody wants to be heard, to express in their own way- people are the creators, the consumers, the followers and the leaders. We cannot survive without our counterparts, we are so heavily interconnected and integrated. And now that we have the technology to allow it, our social media is the unrecognized mirror to our values and integrated social laws.

It is seen that together as a body we can move towards great change, but again, now is the time for a new great change. Our scientists are working away, but it is the people who will make what needs to happen actually happen.

Naturally, we already work in an order, selecting our place within the movement. So let’s make a trend, one subtle enough to not disrupt the balance, but powerful enough to save our future. I say, bring back purpose. Your goal for this week is to become present, to listen to yourself rather than project yourself, stop for a moment in the midst of your lives and understand what needs to be done.

I will see you in a few days, and in the mean time… Don’t stop thinking.




Kimberly Maxwell
Student Voices

Conquering the earth together with one thought at a time. Here’s to those who love to think.