Darryl Walter
Student Voices
Published in
1 min readJan 18, 2016


Do You Single or Double Space?

Last year I came across an article titled, “Nothing Says Over 40 Like Two Spaces after a Period!”. I have to admit that when I read the article, it was a complete eye-opener to me. Do my emails and memos really age me because I double space? I have been double spacing after a period since I took typing class in 7th grade or was it 8th grade? I have to admit, it was so long ago that the years start to blend together.

I asked my college age children if they double space after a sentence and they said no. They never had the pleasure of taking typing class and learning about double spacing. As reference for them, the image to the left is an IBM Selectric, it is a typewriter.

As I write this posting, I am double spacing between sentences, but I am working on transitioning a single space between sentences (just need to stay consistent).

So, are you a single or double spacer?



Darryl Walter
Student Voices

Marketing, membership, conferences, and circulation professional. Husband, father, Cleveland sports fan, frequent flier guru. I tweet what interest me.