Learning how to learn

Sandeep Medisetti
Student Voices
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2017

It has been 5 years since I graduated from college. This realisation has popped up during a hangout with friends. I asked them — ‘what is one piece of advice you wished someone had given to you on the first day of college?’

Her answer — ‘Learn the skill of learning new things.’

This is a powerful advice. These days things around us change quickly and new problems come up every day. It is essential to have the skill of learning new things to solve these new problems on the go.

Here are some resources:

Brian Chesky — https://youtu.be/W608u6sBFpo?t=1h20m44s

Different ideas by Quora writers — https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-learn-faster

Interesting reads:

What is your advice? Share your thoughts in the comments.



Sandeep Medisetti
Student Voices

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