Learning React (another meditation)

Ahkeem Lang
Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2017

I think I’m in love again, the last three weeks I dived straight into the heart of React.js. I watched videos, read documentations, and I’m taking on React challenges by creating a scoreboard react application. First I began with the challenges, I started to build right away! I watched the videos during lunch and dinner, grasped the concepts and moved on! I instantly grasped the concepts of Functional (declarative)programming, Pure functions, stateful and stateless components, and the purpose of the virtual DOM updating the DOM with elements within react and most of the syntax that came with those concepts. Like the constructor method in class components and along with lifecycle hooks and much more. It was such an intuitive and attractive experience that I pushed myself to learn more! I still am learning!… Because those of you who don’t know… I’m in love with the idea and of the actual experience of virtual realities. Solely the idea has enough power to draw me into its realm, there’s something about virtual reality that I want to unlock. An experience I want everyone to experience, but maybe I’ll save that for a later meditation.

React from a perspective renders a virtual reality by creating a virtual representation of the DOM. These elements that represent the UI in certain instances are like the little round circles on top of lego pieces and the component that’s made up of these elements are the lego pieces themselves!

About three weeks ago I made the decision to stay the React route and become an expert on the matter, and I’ll become an expert on React in my own way. So then I began to read the /facebook.github.io/react, to help solidify my understanding of the concepts and terminology used in my challenge videos. I haven’t finished the documentation yet but it’s been extremely helpful gluing everything together. Then I watched a couple of prerequisite videos from LearnCode.academy on Node.js and WebPacks to obtain a deeper knowledge of the technology I dedicated to. Which I’d also considered rich with information and presented the best practice to accomplish the creation of class components from functional components. Even though a few details were over my head, I’m eager for this information to become knowledge and then knowledge to become wisdom.

React.js is the way to go! I can’t wait to share more of my React experiences/meditations with you all!

