“Look For me”

1 min readJan 24, 2016


I sincerely hope I am not just speaking for myself when I say that the children of this generation need to WAKE UP. Being a senior in high school has only taught me one thing: do NOT live in the present without planning for your future. Is it all really fun and games? No, actually it’s not. Out of 1,300 students that attend my school, I can guarantee more than half will tell you they won’t be attending college and are okay with working a mediocre job for the rest of their lives. Teachers nowadays are more worried about how much money they’re making, teaching the criteria to a strict “T”, and trying not to get replaced. I couldn’t tell you the last time I sat through a well constructed lecture where I actually learned something. Teachers show little to no interest in the subject they are teaching and tend to only care about meeting the state guidelines. Even the dirtiest businessmen have a better connection with their clients than today’s teachers do with their students. In order to make it in this world, you’re going to have to motivate yourself rather than trying to find something/someone that does.





Every action you take, sound you make, look you give, can determine what happens next. Why not use that to get ahead? #LookForMe