Looking Forward, Thinking Back

2 min readJan 19, 2016


As the first semester of senior year of high school finally comes to a close (it was DEFINITELY a long semester with college applications, APs, extracurriculars, and the realization that life is going to change scarily soon), I’ve begun to ponder the future and at the same time reminisce about the past. Where will I be this time next year? How about in 5 years? 10 years? What will I be doing? Who will I meet? The possibilities are endless. At each fork in the road, there’s a hundred paths to follow, with each one leading to a different paradise. And I can only pick one of them at each turning. I’m excited about the future. Scared too, but eager to see how the next chapter of my life unfolds. I’ve only got one shot and I have to make it count.

All this may be exciting, but it’s a little upsetting that I’ve only got four and half more months of high school left. No doubt that it was a long three and a half years, with constant ups and downs and twists and turns. It was a rollercoaster where every curve was an onset of emotion. At this point, nostalgia is inevitable. All the people that have made an impact on my life — whether positive or negative — have helped me move forward to where I am today. All the friends lost and gained, all the teachers that inspired me, every coach and mentor. thank you. All of you taught me lessons, one that I will take with me as I step forward into the next chapter. I’m thankful for the memories. It was an fantastic experience, high school, (definitely NOTHING like High School Musical but it’s okay).

This year is one of lasts — the last first day of high school, the last time we celebrate homecoming as a class, the last time we ….

I’m sure that I am not the only senior in this position right now, thinking about the bittersweet memories — the long nights of studying and stress through which we kept each other company, the times when we couldn’t laugh anymore as we fell to the ground clutching our tummies laughing over a stupid joke, the memories and experiences we shared and will hold on to for a long time to come.

As a friend of mine once said, “One goodbye just means we’re closer to another hello.”

Graduation is around the corner, so let’s make the best of these last few months Class of 2016!

