Manifesto of a Teacher-Learner: Which Am I?

Michael DePung
Student Voices
2 min readMay 25, 2016


When I teach, I stop being a teacher. I become a learner because I am a friend to my students; I become a learner for my students, a learner with my students, a learner to my students.

When I become a learner, I ask questions, curious, probing, insightful, relevant questions — questions designed to guide my search for knowledge — not information, which is incidental to knowledge. I put my questions out there for all to see.

When I become a learner, I collect knowledge, think about it, and ask more questions, questions about how new knowledge relates to me, my wisdom, my heart, my passions, and my world. And I ask more questions. I refine questions; I analyze knowledge; I make connections.

When I become a learner, my new connections help me draw conclusions, form opinions, propose hypotheses, design plans, synthesize ideas, inspire action, and produce new knowledge. I connect all, compare all, evaluate all that I can in the light of nature.

When I become a true learner, I am inspired.

When I become an inspired learner, I develop ways to communicate my new knowledge. I create — create message formats, presentations, and products which affect others and influences my world. True creation brings value to life.

When I become a learner, I become a teacher of enthusiasm, love, compassion, miracles; I become a teacher — no curriculum, no administrators, no workshops necessary.

When I become a teacher, I draw out the very depths of the Universe from the hearts and souls of fellow learners, and we become creators of new worlds, creating together a mindset on this planet that allows us to know peace, harmony, progress, appreciation, and love.

When I teach, I become a learner.



Michael DePung
Student Voices

Explore. Discover. Collect. Connect. Create. Love. I write these things to experience and express Spirit here. How do you do Life? Contact: