Planting seeds

The plant has mastered the art of survival.

Kumara Raghavendra
Student Voices
2 min readApr 10, 2017


If you observe any plant in the wild through one full flowering cycle, or two, or three, you will notice that the plant flowers at specified intervals, offering itself up for pollination, and bears fruit at specific intervals, and spreads its seeds at regular intervals, which results in other plants like itself being born around it.

When observing this, it is easy to identify the conditions under which the plant flowers, bears fruit, spreads its seeds and gives birth to new plants.

The plant has mastered the art of survival.

A farmer who cultivates plants like this has observed and understood the conditions under which these things happen, and she often manipulates the environment to provide seeds the right conditions to go through this cycle.

But the plant didn’t do this from day one. It tried and tried on several occasions under varying conditions and the set of conditions under which it was naturally selected enabled it to keep repeating the success under those conditions.

Over the course of the life of the planet Earth, these conditions have changed several times. And as a result, many plants that had mastered the art of propagating itself are now extinct. Some have managed to adapt and reinvent themselves, while other new species that couldn’t previously have lived have come to life.

Our careers, our lives, are a lot like these plants. We plant seeds in any and all environments until one day we survive and propagate. And then, like the farmer, we try to recreate these conditions time and again to let us continue to propagate and thrive. Until we can no longer bend the environment to our liking. And then we go extinct.

Even when you have mastered to thrive in a comfortable environment, keep planting seeds in any and all environments. New seeds, because you have already found the perfect conditions where your current seeds thrive.

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Kumara Raghavendra
Student Voices

Writer. Comedian. Product + Data Science @ Discovering the world, one idea at a time.