Pop the Bubbles, the future is now.

Carla Patricia
3 min readJan 22, 2016


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They say times go by fast when you’re having fun and #PBandJterm was not the exception. Since day one, when my friends and I were talking about the classes we chose, I was by far the most excited one. This was my first J-term and my last like everyone else’s, but this time, I can say that I couldn’t be more satisfied with what I’ve learned. Starting by Jill, an amazing professor that kept me interested, even with my short attention span. She combined analog with digital methods, she is super fun and the assignments are as well.

Jill encouraged me to not be afraid. I was so scared for people to see my work, I was so scared of criticism and people’s opinions; She encouraged us to believe in ourselves, and believe in what we are passionate about. She introduced me to Austin Kleon, who reinforced the idea of being scared of showing our opinions. I understood that I should show my work because I am an artist! And therefore, the world has to see what I have to offer.

On a personal note, one of these days I was reading my twitter and I saw how much my posts have changed in three weeks. I am concerned to what I post and how that will affect me on my career. I encourage my own personal branding and spread a positive message. Every time I post, I think of this question: will my future boss like this? Or is this useful in some way, instead of just negative complaining?

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My main problem was that I knew where I wanted my ship to sail, but I was too scared to say it out loud. I’ve been in classes that explain the theory of what you have to do to success and have a great career; but this class was hands on, we took action in our future. We had the opportunity of meeting amazing people along the way, which was a way of networking. I learned that it is not hard at all to put yourself out there and that there are a lot of career options for the aspiring Communications majors.

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On the other hand, I discovered that I have a passion for lifestyle blogging. I learned about Apps like Medium and Canva. I might not be the best writer but guess what? I am practicing and getting better every day. All of this was achieved because Jill Falk taught me that it is okay to put yourself and your ideas out there. At this point, there are many things I want to do, and I have an immediate plan. Before I graduate I am going to look for opportunities on companies like Evolve (I didn’t know about the industry after this class), while I keep building my blog as a hobby.

I am extremely sure that there is only one way I want to go and that way is forward. Watch out the world, this is not the end of a class, but the beginning of a lifetime career.

PD. One last thing:

