Preparing To Support A Lot More Users with CouchDB 2

Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2017

It’s the middle of June and many schools are already out or will be out soon, but here at Quizster, we’re still in full swing. We’re proud to announce that we’ve just finished migrating our database from a single node to a cluster of nodes. What exactly does this mean for our users? Well, we can continue to support a growing number of users as we can now horizontally scale our system just by adding more servers. Quizster has already collected over 36 thousand handwritten assignments and this recent migration should give you confidence in the fact that Quizster can handle all the teachers, students and assignments that you want to throw at it.

In addition to the new scaling capabilities, you’ll find that Quizster is now a lot faster! This speed increase is due to great improvements to the database syncing protocol that were made available in CouchDB 2. We have many plans to optimize Quizster and make it even faster in the future and this recent database migration is a huge step in the right direction.

For those of you that are curious about the technical details, you’ll be interested to hear that the main change was to migrate from running CouchDB 1 on a single node to running CouchDB 2 on a cluster of nodes. This means that our data layer is now redundant across physical zones and therefore, users can continue to use Quizster even if there are transient server or network failures. Moreover, CouchDB 2 greatly speeds up the syncing protocol with PouchDB using the new _bulk_get API, which means that data now loads a lot faster.

You can read more about CouchDB 2 at The Road to CouchDB 2.

Soon, we’ll be working on more improvements to our architecture, which will speed things up even more. We’ll also be releasing a few open-source technologies. Stay tuned!

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