Procrastinating yet again…

Taylor Miller
1 min readFeb 1, 2016


I am a junior in high school with no time to actually pay attention to high school. I am always busy. Whether it may be working at both my places of employment, running back and forth between sports, or trying to find a second in the day to do my homework or study for that upcoming test. I am a procrastinator. I hate to admit it, but sadly I am.

Homework is always the last thing on my mind. I would much rather be taking those ten minutes of actual free time I have to be doing something much more productive, like watching Family Guy. Turns out that I should be putting school work first. I would have preferred doing this homework around 3:00 p.m. on a Friday, than 10:40 on a Sunday night. I would not have been in such a rush and I would not be trying to cram this assignment in before bed.

Truth is I know nothing will change. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator.

