Reality Check

4 min readJan 30, 2016


A bit about me, I’ve had my previous educational life as a fashion student, studied in London then came back to my home town. I eventually started working for a well known catalogue company, beginning from the bottom and working my way up. I work for that one company for over twelve years. I then decided to open my own business, shop, website etc. etc. which I owned for two years.
To cut a long story short, I completed my first year degree at a college for higher education in my home city. Then received my unconditional offer to begin a BA Fine Art course in Leeds beginning in September 2015. I was reluctant to accept, however I now see the previous year study as a starter course, which has taught me so much and given me the quadentials and confidence to presue my studies in Leeds.
I have enjoyed every minute and wouldn’t change it for the world. I do believe everything happens for a reason. I still can’t believe I’ve not ventured with my dream in life in over 20 years! It’s true when they say ‘life get in the way.’

I have now come full circle and feel completely alive and enjoying my new found self immensely. I now wouldn’t change for anything. This is me and this is how I will proceed. The first project after a leave of 20 years+ abscent had to be my work on the Jacob Well subway (August 2014).

Fine Art Practices 1

Exploration through studio work showing a variety of drawing procedures and techniques. Our starting point, drawing then drawing something else again, changing and developing each time. I found the module to be extremely exciting as you didn’t know what would be create. Entering into an interesting process and I enjoyedthe challenge.

Strengths - The full time timetable kept me informed and productive in a level of 100% which suited me fine. I am at my best when kept busy!
I explored a variety of process and precedures which I would not have dreamed in any other situation. Continuously doubting what I was thinking, developing, producing and where I was going, I developed an interesting sketchbook of all my little experiments. Looking back I can now see a majority of my work has the potential of further development, which I will be exploring throughout my course. It exciting knowing the endless possibilities.

Weaknesses - Need to continue a project and have complete finished product of artwork. From beginning to the end transformation. I was enjoying my work so much that I put my studio book on delay, which I have now decided that it probably stop me from developing to a more varied degree and using techniques to produce or begin a finished work. Through my expiremental work I didnt go to the next stage of developing a structure and methodology and creating a finish piece of work.

Also not producing a large scale piece of artwork which is daunting aspect.
The only problem is that I work or have develop working alone and not appreciating the set time perods within the studio. However being able to break the time and go to workshops helped. I like to work continuously, however that can be limited due to other job that need doing. Therefore I need to develop my strategy to work within the college studio as I am well aware I would positively benefit me develop my understanding and knowledge of the given subject matter attending all lectures, group crit, talks etc. I did not analysis my studio work to an adequate level to develop within the workshops. I had ideas but didn’t have the time to execute them from thought to physical creation.

Material and Processes

Group sessions included selections, testing and exploration of both materials and form which we were (or technician was wanting to achieve). Group tutorials explored and questioned the process, technique and methodology and began with health and safety regulation including safely equipment to be worn throughout the session and drop in sessions.

To develop a studio book complete with step by step process as a base for reference to be used on various future projects.

Strengths - I found the variation of workshops and the opportunities to attend booked sessions when you had a free period a very positive situation. If I was unable to produce sculpture/artwork you would get a lot of positive information from the techniques. I did have the pleasure of using techniques I would not have gain accesses to previously and I am sure I will be able to develop the techniques into future projects.

Weaknesses - To participate in as many workshops to explore different material, practices and method in constructing object. To understand in depth the process of the many development in shaping a form. Should have completed each session within my studio book at the earliest opportunity, due to forgetting vital information. To visually document as much as possible of each workshop, equipment and safety equipment.

The Self and The Social

To introduce the group to discussion within the boundaries of each lesson subject. To develop constructive discussion to enrich our own knowledge through academic discipline via written and verbal information. To question and to analysis the information provided within each group session to begin a debate.

Strengths - Lots of information to research. Plenty of art critic/writer to read their publications/books. Giving a balance of information into the modern art world and the relevant of artist/ writer/ photographer etc. their works and options. Buying all book required for all project (expensive but definitely worth every penny) I have gain plenty of valuable information. Opening up to a academic research and continuous reading through, journals, magazines, newspapers and the internet .

Weaknesses - Making an effort in reading all publication recommended. To understand the writers points of view. To produce various PowerPoint with a various written work and practice with confident to articulate the information provided verbally. To participate in constructive group conversations.
Due to the only material produce was the presentation at the end I would of like to have included information from my sketchbook whether artwork or writing.




I'm loving it so much, my first year studying (BA Hons) Fine Art in Leeds 2015/16.