The Not-so National Union of Students

2 min readApr 20, 2016


The last time I sat here, I wrote about how University has changed me as a person, how the smell of toast will be forever engrained in my nostrils and how whether I want to admit it or not, I’ll miss it once its gone. I would’ve said that was a fairly accurate way to describe my feelings of my final weeks of third year, until today.

I’m not really one to get involved in politics, not one to open a discussion about the upcoming EU Referendum or indulge in a debate about American politics. I tend to shy away from such subject matters, not because I don’t understand the severity of the issues at hand, but just because I choose to be a silent counterpart. However, sitting here and being silent for something like this isn’t going to do much. I’m sure you know what I am getting at.

To be completely honest, the NUS has never really been more to me than a plastic card that sat in my wallet, taken out on the odd occasion to get student discount on ASOS. I can’t say the so called ‘National Union of Students’ have ever really had an impact on me personally throughout my last 3 years of University. Today, a new president was elected. Not something that would normally fathom any particular interest of mine or stray me from my average day, but this is no average ‘President’. Besides the endorsement of my University as ‘something of a Zionist outpost’ and the refusal to condemn one of the worlds largest terror groups, how does this girl relate to me at all? In fact how does our new ‘President’ represent the entire National Union of Students? and most harrowingly, how on earth has she been allowed the freedom to express her downright distasteful views of others, the title of the PRESIDENT of the National Union of Students, a person who is meant to represent the majorities views, to speak for all of us, to speak for you and for me, and given a plinth by the NUS to stand on. Quite frankly, it is absolutely terrifying and to call the election a tragedy would be the understatement of the century.

Like I stated at the beginning of this article, I’m not one to indulge in Politics, however as a writer I am one to express my views and put my thoughts down on to paper.

However for once, I am absolutely speechless.

