Shaundra Gascon
1 min readJan 16, 2016

The wall is white and blank like a freshly purchased white board. It’s connected to a ceiling which has the tile looking panels with small holes in each one. This one time in 8th grade math, Kyle threw his pencil at the ceiling and it stuck in the holes. The holes of the ceiling remind me of the seeds inside a dragon fruit; very random, no pattern at all. These ceilings are that of Fairfield High School; contained behind the walls of this school are hundreds of students, like me, trying to find themselves. It’s like we are all headed to the same place, on different paths, some of us will stay behind, too scared to move forward. Others will stop in the middle for a break and never start back up again. Some will try and try to find this treasured place but take a wrong turn too many times. Very few will make it to the end, those are the strongest of them all, because they were brave enough to start, determined to finish; smart enough that even throughout wrong turns, got back onto their path. These people are the ones who stand strong, and fight for what they want. These are the people who know what they want and will do anything, physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging to achieve what it is they want. These are the strong ones, the role models; the believers.