This a major concern!!!! 95% of Students are in a very dangerous situation as they are unclear and confused and influential.

Varun Kadapa
Student Voices
Published in
1 min readJul 17, 2016

Students — I have studied HR in my MBA

Recruiter — What do you know about HR?

S-Human Resources

R-What do you mean by Human Resources?

S-Recruiting People!!!!!

R-Oh…… What is your career goal?

S-mmmmmm….aaaaaaa…. Haven’t thought about it yet!!!

R-!!!!! (bigger eyes wide open)

R-Why did you apply for our company?

S-I want to learn what and how Corporate World is?

R-What can you do to our company?

S-I will learn and work hard to learn!!!!

R-!!!! (wider eyes)

Author’s comments: Teachers and Parents you are responsible for this machinery which is just junk. Forcing your children to run behind marks!! Run behind Ranks!!! Mugging up!! Mocking up!!! How sad, we spend millions and millions to just manufacture junk and throw it in this society. A junk just gets rusted up but can never (i repeat) never be useful to this society.

Teachers and Parents: Help them learn life, learn to live, study life, STOP dumping and downloading your scoring techniques and pages of write ups into their brain so they get rusted up.

