This is what I do… I daydream about the skin.

Jackie Dosal, MD
3 min readFeb 2, 2016


Recently I spent 3 days at a University of Miami Dermatology 60th Anniversary Conference learning from leaders in the field (most of which were UM alumni), my peers, and even our super smart current residents. I’m a sucker for these meetings — I love to soak it all in. I always learn so much from these meetings, and it’s learning that challenges me to constantly improve with the ever-changing science of medicine.

Learning, I realize, is one of the favorite parts of my career. I’m fortunate to be one of those people who absolutely loves what I chose for my profession. I’m also privileged to work part-time at the University of Miami, where I see challenging cases, as well as teach residents. I’m often referred cases that have seen 3+ dermatologists before seeing me, all without success. It’s a great learning opportunity for our residents, whom I love having in my clinic. We feed off each other, challenge each other, and learn together from difficult cases. I’m honored to be part of their education in one of the highest ranked dermatology programs in the country.

Stacks of dermatology journals.

I have a little time off before my official start at Skin Associates of South Florida (SASF) on March 9, so those days that I’m not at the University of Miami, I’m spending quality time with my daughter. When she is asleep, I’m able read all of those dermatology journals that were stacking up in my office — the sight of which drives my neat-freak husband mad. This “in-between-jobs” time (a phrase which is not quite accurate, I’m still at UM quite a bit) has been a refreshing chance to catch up, learn more, and have some time for self-betterment that was not possible in the hustle and bustle of a full time practice.

Having this extra time and space has also allowed my brain to get excited and wander (and wonder) into the depths of dermatology issues. This is what I do… daydream about skin issues. The skin is a wild puzzle piece of the body which tells a story of the body that no other organ can. It’s complex, challenging, and it excites the heck out of me. I’ve already come up with a few new research projects for 2016 that have me beyond excited this year! Fortunately, both University of Miami and SASF are leaders in dermatologic research, so I’m in good company.

In medicine, there are always questions that need answers, there are always new targets for therapy, and the learning never ends… which is part of the fun! I suggest that everyone strive to make a clearing for some time to dedicate to what you love to learn about. Whether it’s reading a book, journal article, blog (like mine!), a TED talk, an Audible book, or even just time outside. Create a space for daydreaming.

Dr. Jackie Dosal

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Originally published at on February 2, 2016.



Jackie Dosal, MD

Dermatologist at Skin Associates of South Florida & the University of Miami.