Top 5 Reasons to Major in Religion in College

Jane Hurst
Student Voices
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2018

When you start college you are expected to pick a major. Most students pick business, education, science, or English. While these majors are good a major in religion is another option. Here are the top five reasons to take religion courses in college.

Understanding the world

Taking classes in religion will help you better understand the world. Most of today’s countries were formed in part due to religious freedom or oppression, or both. Knowing the background of the world’s major religions will help you form a more educated global perspective when it comes to understanding international politics, economics, and history. The more you understand what is happening in the world, the better your employment opportunities when you are finished school. Employers are looking for intelligent people who have an understanding of global realities. Religion classes will help you obtain better global awareness.

Cultural awareness

Studying religion also helps you increase your cultural awareness. You will be able to connect with people on a whole other level when you have a degree in religion. You will be better prepared to meet and work with people from other cultures. You will become more aware of your surroundings and the people you go to school with and will eventually work with. Expanding your cultural knowledge will help you when it comes to gaining employment after college. You will come across as a well rounded person who will be able to adapt to situations. Employers want employees who understand one another and work well together. Religious classes will help you become more culturally aware.


A degree in religion will make you a more rounded individual. You will be exposed to other religions and cultures, and your will become more open-minded when it comes to people in general. Studying religion involves taking classes in different religions. When you study different religions you become acquainted with their history and development and that will make you a well-rounded student. Whether you are looking to expand your Jewish education or major in world religions, a religion major will make you more aware of the world around you which will help you with your future employment.

Critical thinking

Taking courses in religion will help you learn critical thinking. Critical thinking is an important skill that employers are looking for in today’s workforce along with analytic reasoning. Using analytical reasoning to form a judgment instead of just arguing is a skill that can be honed in religion classes. Employers want employees who are critical thinkers. They want people who will take the time to really understand a situation before offering opinions on what to do about the situation. Too many people just make rash decisions. Critical thinking is a skill that will serve you well all of your life.


Religion classes are interdisciplinary. What you are learning in your religion course will apply to your core classes such as history, English, art history, anthropology, and other similar classes. You will be able to use what you learn in your religion classes and take them across to your other courses. The evolving world will be better understood with a religious background. World history and politics will make more sense if you know the different religious backgrounds of our current events. Studying religion will help you have a better basic knowledge of people.

A religion major is a degree that can be used in many different opportunities. From business to education, employers are looking more toward what an employee can bring to the job. With a degree in religion you are telling your future employer you have an understanding of global matters, you are well rounded, you have analytical and critical thinking skills, and you are more culturally aware. All of these attributes are certain to impress any future employer.

