Total Sum

Robert Vergeson
4 min readJan 22, 2016


When we learn that 2 + 2 = 4, we are well on our way to 2 x 2 = 4 and finally we learn 2 divide 8 = 4. This basic math was taught me in Elementary school. Then we progressed to ab>c and ab<c such confusing formula know as modern math or higher math which was taught me in the 8th grade. Their failure to teach me this higher math was strongly linked to the fact that my basic math skills in learning 2 + 2 was severely limited. Therefore that higher math was as alien to me as a Martian from Mars was. In highschool I took a basic math course because my higher math skills were dismal. As for now I’m still mystified at those formulas even after taking beginning algebra in college . I had to take it twice to eventually pass it with a 2.0 grade. Since algebra was required in most anything you study in college. I had to pass algebra to continue my studies. Trying to teach a 50 year old mind algebra was just as confusing as it was as a 16 year old mind was. It is a fact that not all minds have the capability to learn and retain the concepts of algebra and higher forms of math. Einstein was a math genius when it came to the theory of relativity. Yet, he was known to have poor reading skills. For me my reading skills were my best asset.

We all have our best assets when it comes to our learning skills in education from K-12 and on to college. These aptitudes are discovered by the many testing models we take in our elementary years, Jr High, Senior High, and college entrance exams to determine our strength or our weaknesses. My weaknesses were math, grammar, and at the start in elementary grades reading. Reading became eventually my best skill set. In college my skill set was typing, keyboard, and basic computer skills. Which was why I earned an AAS degree in office information systems and administration. I took refresher course’s in accounting, English and technical writing. English grammar was one of my worst subject in highschool. Though the English grammar course in college was a better model program and approaches to teaching then what I had back in the 60’s. I surprised myself in getting a 3.5 GPA or better in English grammar and technical writing. Who ever said you can’t teach an “old dog new tricks” didn’t know me.

Young minds are still growing in their capacity to retain knowledge in their formative years. For me I believe that my mind was so confused and affected by my emotional and learning disabilities that I was unable to retain as much as other normal young minds could. So what happened in my 50’s when suddenly I found myself capable of retaining and enjoying my studies. Something had changed in my brains capacity to learn new skill sets. Was it the driven determination to succeed where once I failed, or was it something more remarkable as regeneration of those damaged brain cells that occurred during my near death illness as a toddler when my brain was attacked with an infection killing off brain cells on the right hemisphere of my brain. Had that with my premature birth and the months in an incubator until I grew to a normal weight and brain development that a normal full term infant would have.

To suddenly have the capacity at 50 years of age to accomplish what I couldn’t at age 5 to my late teens is certainly remarkable. I may never know if such an improvement is because of new brain cell growth of my renewed driven determination to succeed in college in my 50’s. It is a shame I didn’t have that determination back in my youth. The “Total Sum” may be that I finally woke up and realized that I could and should find that determination I never had in my youth. I was once encouraged to skip out on my classes in college and go see a movie with friends. My answer to them was No!. I told them that they should be encouraging to be stick with and share my determination to succeed in college. If they were my friends they wouldn’t encourage me to skip classes. Apparently they weren’t my friends as the continued to ask me to skip classes. Which I didn’t and they were fair weather friends I didn’t need. This is the “Total Sum” which is believing in yourself, surrounding yourself with positive influences, and the kind of driven determination that takes you to the moon and back. Age shouldn’t be a barrier to getting to the moon. Then (our youth) or now in our golden age.

