Trump Fails

Nelson Lowhim
Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2018

Well Trump doesn’t know the words to the national anthem. What a surprise. Then again, I’m not really that surprised as this was never about actual respect for the flag, or America, or veterans. And Trump (and his base) only have standards for other people, not for themselves. But, that being said, I am still in the camp of Trump knowing just how much palace intrigue will ultimately allow him to grift until the end. [1] Case in point being a tax cut for his own family and deals like this.

As I said it before, we could very well be facing something similar to what Russia faced in the 90s. Of course, one hopes that we can use all our resources to help fight these very wrong things happening today. But I am a little disappointed with the media in its ability to keep reforming Trump and calling him presidential while allowing for these antics to continue. One gets the feeling that they really want him to like them, but why is he so mean?

Well, here we are a year in and I’m still shocked by what he does. That being said, I still think we have a long way to go to bring democracy back to this nation. That means a majority actually getting the vote that is their right. To assume that Trump has been defeated so far, as Corey Robin says, is to miss the point in general.

Your thoughts?

[1] Yeah, and I told you so: here are some of my points about him doing just this a year ago. Now, this isn’t to say that he doesn’t have a bad side to him: the ethnic cleansing is in full throttle and I think that there is damage done as we speak.

Who knows how exactly this will play out. It’s certainly about less power for those who speak out. Note how those who are oppressed won’t always hold minorities, though it certainly helps.



Nelson Lowhim
Student Voices

Writer, Artist, Immigrant, & Veteran observing our mad dance of apes. Check out my Patreon & show some love: