well shit

Ralph James (POLOETRY)
Student Voices
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2017


I sleep until 3 o’clock every day

and that’s the way that I like it.

No side kick only side chicks named Iris that call me their royal heinis

cause I have domination issues I’m not biased

I lie for fun and for foolery,

two of me would consume myself beautifully,

but truthfully annoyances would hover over me like, you know, ovaries

hopefully someday I’ll evolve into the man I imagined I would be when I was younger,

life put together,

button down shirt layered by a sweater

The deepest of regrets

will always be the bet

that only induces stress,

you can’t plan this shit out. It all occurs in a blur

So try & so fail, make love with words

The grade that only you curve

