Amber Sawyer
3 min readJan 25, 2016


(This article is the third in a series about Personal Project Based Learning.)

Why is asking questions and generating ideas such a challenge? I’m the mom of a 4 year old and he is proficient if not advanced in his wondering abilities. His life mission is to figure out the world: what he hears, what he sees, what he can’t quite yet do. He has this impeccable balance between shamelessly admitting when he doesn’t understand and asserting confidence for days. He thinks, no he knows, he can do and be anything. In 20 years he will simultaneously be a fireman, paleontologist, astronaut, and Spiderman. I guarantee it.


Sadly the “soak up everything and conquer the world” mentality slips away with each year. I see a huge difference between the kindergarten and 5th grade students in my school. The wild imagination dissipates and the desire to question is replaced by a fear of not being right.

So following Challenge Week, our next Personal PBL step is to generate ideas. To dig deep and find our inner 4 year old and ask the question


First, I gave the fifth grade students a paper clip. Just one paper clip and 2 minutes to jot down every possible use for said item. Then they collaborated with a small group to combine brains and ideas. Finally we collected all the ideas of the class into a master list of over 40 ideas including ornament hook, hoodie string retrieval apparatus, back scratcher and assorted jewelry. It was a seriously impressive list.

Honest reflection: Next time I do this activity, I would suggest the final share out be a Chalk Walk versus a shouting fest of ideas (though it was very entertaining).

I then challenged them to dream big, to wonder, to pay attention to the world around them. Our plan is to get it all out there, from the mundane to the outlandish. The only stipulation is it has to be questions or ideas that are important or interesting to you. I gave them each a WHAT IF booklet filled with starter questions and expectant blank white space ready to be filled up.

What questions do you have? What do you wonder about? What problems do you see in the world around you? What topics do you want to learn more about? What have you always wanted to learn how to do or create?

I can’t wait to see where inspiration takes them.

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Amber Sawyer

TPaCK coach thinning the walls at a 1:1 iPad, arts integrated, Title One elementary school. #mheskcs