What’s the poinT?

3 min readFeb 1, 2016


“What the point?” A commonly used phrase when people are either upset, annoyed or angry.

What’s the point in trying, when others don’t try either? What’s the point in going, if other don’t go? What’s the point in being nice to him/her if they’re not nice back?

What is the point?

The point is, you’ve got to try. Giving up and being pessimistic about things isn’t needed nor the way you should focus on your life. You need to get the balance of good times and the bad because your life can’t be perfect. Sorry to say but it won’t. To get to the good, you’ve usually got to go through the bad. You’ve got to work hard for what you want to achieve and it may kill you inside but once you’re there…look at you now! You’ll feel so proud and so happy. But sticking at it and working hard is the key. Be optimistic, set goals you didn’t think you could achieve.

If you go through a whole day saying “what’s the point” at least 3 times, then…you need to give your head a shake. I admit, in some circumstances there may be no point or there may be a time to quit but until you’ve tried everything you could possibly think of…keep going, there is still a ‘point’. DO NOT QUIT!

Recently I’ve been turning up to netball academy at college, and it’s just not what it used to be. I used to come out sweating buckets and feeling great about myself. Now, I come out freezing cold and annoyed. But why?

The ‘squad’ has been divided. One side doesn’t have to prove them selves and always get played in matches/training. The other, (me and quite a few others) get to sit there and watch them do drills that we could be doing as well! We’re capable of that! So why aren’t we doing it? We didn’t go through 3 rounds of trails to sit down in training. If we couldn’t be bothered then we wouldn’t turn up, but we do! So why does it feel so bad? Why does it feel like there’s no point going anymore?

I realise that this is a very long winded way of explaining things but it’s made me realise that even though it’s been bad for a while you’ve got to keep going. The reason I still go is to keep fit, improve on my fitness, improve on my sport (when we properly train anyway). So at least I get some positive outcome from it.

Basically, there’s always a point to things in life, it happens for a reason so “let it go”, keep going and move on. So what is the point? What’s the point in telling yourself you’re no longer capable of doing something that you started out to do with a little faith in yourself, you knew you could do it so you started and now you’re asking what’s the point in carrying on? Well isn’t that stupid when you think about it 😉. Just take a big think about your choices and where you head to next, don’t quit because you feel there is no point. THERE IS A POINT!!!! Even if you can’t see what it is yet. THERE IS!!!

Hope you liked this one, it’s a bit longer than usual. Thanks for reading and I shall be writing another ready for next week or if you’re lucky some time this week🤗

💕Bye guys 💕






A 17 year old from England aspiring to be a, Promoter, social media influencer, fitness freak and a travel blogger/vlogger around the world