What to Choose: Work or University?

Sinisa Milic
Student Voices
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2018

There comes a point in your life when you ask yourself what would be better to choose, work or university? Sometimes even worse, there comes a point in your life when you ask yourself, should you have chosen rather work than the university or the other way around? Everything in life has its price, and so its consequences, which might result in an advantage or in a disadvantage. Here you can find some reassuring words about your choice.

Lack of Motivation and Concentration

If you have decided to work and abandoned the idea of studying, you might regret it. However, you might not regret it. Why is that? Simply, because university is not the guarantee that you will find the suitable job as well. University only gives you better opportunities to find a job, but will not be the certainty of finding the right job. So, if you have already found a job, which is well-paid and partially satisfying, you are not in loss. You have gained something before studying, and there are many young people which finish university and cannot find a job. So, in this case, consider work as a gain. Another great factor is that you will go earlier in pension, much earlier than people who have decided to pursue their careers by choosing to study. First, they have to obtain the title, then look for a job and then maybe get one. Only after that, there might come the pension at the very end. However, if you are unsatisfied with your choice and work, then you can always reconsider the university. One thing is for sure, by working you will earn more money than when you are studying. Except however, if you have scholarship. But even in that case, you will earn more money if you choose to work. The crucial factor here is if you are enough motivated to study. If you are not, then spare your time and money by choosing work, where you can earn money and gain some experience, instead of losing your motivation gradually and studying a lot of years before finally realizing that you will give up your studies.

Fairness, Justice and Satisfaction

Motivation and concentration play a great role if you choose the university. If you are good at it and you like learning new things, doing assignments, participating in seminars and workshops, then use it. Most jobs are full of routine and boring tasks, always the same and every day. Initially, you will be overwhelmed with how much you actually have to learn at your workplace, but months later this enthusiasm will slowly fade away. Why is that? Simply because you will know everything to such an extent that you will find your job and daily routine almost boring and pointless. University, on the other hand, offers you constant challenges and new things to learn. You will have to study and earn good grades and, in some cases scholarship as well, but you will not be disappointed. Life often isn’t fair, especially later when you grow up and work, but life always was and will still be mostly fair at university, only if you are willing to study and give your best. Your hard work will be rewarded and you will see a constant progress by getting good grades and getting your title. If money does not play a great role for you, then university will give you satisfaction. By being a good student, you will have much more free time, almost an eternity of free time, if compared to the work routine, where you have annually only four-five weeks of vacation. Yes, life is so unfair. In addition to that, it is often said that university offers more job opportunities. Yes, it is right, but it does not always work like that.

Money or Time

It all comes down to the same question. Do you want more time or more money? After this question, there come more questions which bring other factors in play. What is it that really counts for you? Do you like to study and have a long vacation and maybe better opportunities later? Or do you want security, a regular monthly salary and work? Where lies your motivation? What are your choices? What do you really want? What is the situation in the country where you live in? If you don’t know yet what do you want, then choose what is the least worse for you.

Your Choice Is What Matters

All in all, if you have an answer to the first question, then money means choosing work and time means studying regularly and not being lazy. Nobody knows what is the best to do, but you can try. Either one or another option and then, if you are unsatisfied, do the opposite. As long as we live, we can do both. The important thing is that you are satisfied, not the others. You alone. With your choice.

