Which Country Has the Best Education System In the World?

Sinisa Milic
Student Voices
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2018

Are you thinking about going to study abroad? If the answer is yes, or if you are just curious to find out which countries stand out as the best study destinations, then you should know where you could find the best education system in the world as well. What do you think where is it? Is it in Europe, in Asia, America or Oceania? Can you guess? If not, let’s find out in the next few lines!

U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems 2018

To be fair, we took into consideration the results from a recent report published in May 2018 by the Universities 21 (U21) network of universities. The report examined fifty national systems of higher education, from all continents, evaluating 24 different attributes grouped into four modules: Resources, Environment, Connectivity and Output. Let’s take a look at what these four modules stand for!


From somewhere the evaluation has to start, resources, offered by the government or by the private sector, are necessary for a good education system. The results show that Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, Denmark and Canada are the top five countries in this module. Let’s move to the second module to see if the situation is different.


The second module is not less important than the first one, because it concerns the environment where you are going to study. This module takes into examination three parameters: diversity, competition between institutions and monitoring of performance. In this case, the top five countries are United States, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Finland.


Moving on to the third module, the connectivity module considers if an education system is well connected with the rest of the society of the country and if it is linked in education and research with the rest of the world as well. This time the results show that United States, Austria, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Denmark are the best in connectivity.


The last, but the most important module of all, output. What does this module include? This is a measure of research and its impact, student performance, the national total of graduates and researchers, the quality of a nation’s universities, and employability of graduates. In this module, the top five countries are United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland and Denmark.

Overall Results

The results speak for themselves, as you can see; the United States is the country with the best education system, followed by Switzerland, United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark. Therefore, no matter which one of these countries you choose, you will not be disappointed. We leave the choice to you.

What is Better for You

We hope that we have answered the question in the title. The best education system is in America, with US that also offers the best universities in the world, like MIT, Stanford or Harvard. Nevertheless, we think that you will have more choices in Europe, as four of the top five countries are in the old continent. Switzerland is one of them, even if it does not belong to the European Union; it belongs to the Schengen Area. This means that if you are a European citizen, you will not have any problem to study there. Moreover, Switzerland is the second country on the list! To confirm this results, ETH Zurich is in the top ten best universities in the world, and it is also a public one. But in the end the decision is only yours, we just give you something to think about. The most important thing is that you are satisfied with your choice and that the university responds to your wishes and goals, no matter in what country it is. Choose what you believe that is the best for you and go for it. There will always be a lot of possibilities and choices between which to choose and you can always evaluate pros and cons, but in the end, you will have to eventually decide and settle for the right one. We suggest that you do some research by taking into consideration education system, country, living standard, language, culture, and distance from your country of origin. Good luck with your studies!

