Why I ditched my degree for a two-year Journalism Program

Tiffany Goodwein
Student Voices
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2016

“You came so close why did you stop?”.

I often get asked this, when people find out that I was in my fourth year of my university degree when I decided to drop out to pursue Journalism. My answer to that question is ;I decided to do something that my heart has always longed to do. It sounds corny, almost borderline straight out of a self-help book , but it is true. You see, ever since I could talk , I always enjoyed telling stories and reading and watching the news. I admired journalists , and I wanted to become one. Yet somehow in my journey of receiving my education I got caught up in this idea that I needed to get a degree, or I would be inadequate . University degrees by far are advantageous in society , but for me, sitting and studying for long hours cramming information into my brain just wasn’t for me. I constantly was craving a hands on experience , something that would teach me real skills , and foster my creativity for writing .

So after volunteering at the school newspaper and completing several internships , I decided to ditch my degree altogether, and do something that I have always wanted to do, and believe me , It has probably been the best decision I have made thus far in my 21 years of life.



Tiffany Goodwein
Student Voices

BCIT j-school student, Penticton Herald newspaper Reporter, and professional coffee drinker by day and night