What is the future of technology in education?

John Jefferson
students’ guide
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2019

Having bought a tablet and loaded into it a teacher with artificial intelligence, a person of the future will be able to be always in touch with his private teacher. Higher education in 10 years may cease to be something special, will turn into a routine, as the ability to read. Microsoft released a learning application for learning Chinese. In it, the student responds to short printed and audio messages of the bot teacher in the chat. However, Microsoft’s digital teacher is not just another chat bot. Artificial intelligence embedded in its algorithm analyses the user’s responses and selects the necessary load for his learning. Simulate a real companion digital teacher and helps the application interface. It is similar to the popular WeChat messenger in Asia.

The growth of technology is gradually changing the education system — getting knowledge becomes easier. In the US, school services help students to complete homework or Pro-Papers essay writing service faster. The relevance of textbooks and essays gradually disappears. Today, each user of the network can look at Wikipedia and get the right information from one or thousands of sources. There are no problems with a lack of information. Rather, on the contrary, we observe its oversupply. So what is the future of technology in educational area?

Use of laptops

Today’s education system is rather hectic. You need to have your books, and all necessary equipment while attending every single lesson. Fortunately, we are moving towards an era where a laptop will be all you need when going to your class. The advantages of having a laptop will be taking notes and storing them safely in different files. In case you will need to retrieve this information, all you will need is identify the specific files and gain access to your notes. Laptops will also help improve student interactions and help them be able to frequently and personally engage with their teachers from any part of the world.

More E-Learning platforms

E-learning will be significantly great to students and especially in how they get to express themselves and pass ideas. First of all, there will be sources with which they can get to generate information from and also be able to share the information that they will acquire with other students online. With e-learning, students will not need to worry about expensive learning as this is certainly within most budgets. Since physical presence is not needed for you to learn, it means that you can get yourself acquiring knowledge from any corner of the world.

There will be no physical campuses

In a few years to come, education will have progressed so much as there will be no physical campuses as we see them today. What this means is that students will not be limited to one place where they can acquire information from. It will also help students grow closer to nature as there will be more time provided for them to spend outdoors. Absence of physical campuses will also provide unlimited space for study to students. This will enable face the real world issues and generate ideas on how to overcome most mentioned challenges through what they learn.

Personalized learning

In order to ensure that students’ performance is boosted from time, learning will need to be made more personalized. This is a consideration that will definitely be looked into, in the near future enhancing the education system greatly. Frequent checks will help ensure that the student is well acquainted with the areas that he or she can improve on.

Use of tablets

We are moving to an era where students will no longer need to walk around the school compound carrying heavy bag packs full of books to carry out their research. The tablet will help in purposes of taking notes and carrying out research as they will be internet enabled. Tablets are known to be user friendly. This will help give students an easy time during the entire study period. Also, there will be easy interaction between the student, the parents and the teachers without necessarily having to meet.

Use of interactive boards

In today’s times, education has not progressed so much as it will in the near future. We know students to attend classes where the teacher has to use a pen on a white board. Not every student is able to engage is such kind of learning and this reduces the enhancement of skills and knowledge that is needed. However, in years to come, education will have grown so much as what will be used in most classrooms are what we call interactive boards. This will give an opportunity for the student to interact with one another and also make the learning environment more fun and lively.

Social and emotional skills will be prioritized

In today’s corporate world, anyone looking for a job is required to have a certain level of skills and attitude to be able to offer or meet the needs of the company. Such skills involve good communication, collaboration and problem solving skills. In the near future, education will give a chance for emotional and social skills to grow. This will be made possible by the fact that there will be a more personalized learning system for the students.

The education system today is doing quite well. Looking at what is to come though, it is definitely going to get better which will certainly bring a great revolution in the world that we are living in today. Other than these great changes which are anticipated in a few coming years, the way in which students will handle their research will make a huge difference. There will be greater exposure to forums of research and especially because the students will not only be confined to one area of study. Depending on where a student will opt to take their lessons from, there will be much that they can share as ideas which will greatly help to increase their knowledge.

