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E-learning platform for kids-Insights from Systems Thinking approach(Iceberg Model)

Analysis of the E-learning platforms for kids through the Iceberg Model

Shivani Prakash
Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2020


As designers, we often take our first step in empathizing with the user in order to meet the best of their needs and satisfaction. But oftentimes, we fail to realize that we end up looking at the problems at a very superficial level. Let’s try to understand what could be the reason?

How to Understand which method to go with?

The traditional method of Analysis of the problem is well suited for the systems having low interconnectivity and low Interdependence (eg. Toolbox consisting of various mechanical tools). Wherein, the first step is to break the system into its constituent entities and then study various properties of each. Which, later, combines to form a definition of this system in terms of the properties of these entities or is also defined to be the sum total of these entities. So, what do we do for a system with High interconnectivity and High interdependence?

Well, that’s where we apply the systems thinking approach, also known as the synthesis method, in order to better understand the relations existing in between various entities( eg. student being a part of the education system). Here, we first identify the system, of which the entity is a part of, next we try to gain an understanding of how the system functions, and lastly, we try to find how the parts are interconnected to function as an entirety.

The Iceberg Model of Systems Thinking

One of the famous systems thinking models is the Iceberg model which illustrates how we often end up looking at the problems at a surface level. The Iceberg model is anomalous to the real-life scenario of the iceberg, wherein we are able to see only the surface/top portion of the iceberg above the water. But, there is a major chunk of it lying under the surface, which gives rise to the existence of the top layer.


The iceberg model consists of 4 layers namely :

  1. Event level — Events are the topmost level wherein we perceive the world as it is visible to us. These are the markers in time where multiple variables are observed. For Instance, an occurrence of a recent Flood.
  2. Pattern Level — These are the trends that we perceive taking place over time. Patterns are the changes in variables that occur over time. For instance, the flood could be because of rising water flow near the dam, or due to the broken dam.
  3. Structure Level — Structure supports, creates, and influences the patterns we see in the event. This layer lies beneath the pattern level. An example of the above pattern to occur could be — the construction of the dam wasn’t efficient maybe because of lack of resources, or the inefficiency of the material to withstand the water pressure in the dam, or the construction workers weren’t paid enough for what they did.
  4. Mental Model — This level illustrates the belief, attitude, thoughts, and values one has. The mental model that is used to see the world is what generates the structure, pattern, and events. For instance, getting appreciation(maybe in terms of incentives) could raise the motivation of the workers to work diligently.


How I approached the systems thinking through the Iceberg model for my Design Research?

In order to better understand the student and their learning approaches, I ventured out to interview some of the kids from grades 6 to 10. We are all aware that interviewing kids is not as easy as interviewing Adults, as their thoughts are very implicit. The insights that I got from my user research were qualitative but a bit unstructured. And somehow, I couldn’t find the source of my user's (kids here) opinions and thoughts.

I started mapping the events that surround a kid’s learning. Starting with the basics, below are some of the events enlisted that a student would opt for learning :

  1. Looking for a topic of doubt/ interest to study.
  2. Learning or understanding a topic
  3. Recalling what they have learned already
  4. Participating in assessment test or quizzes
  5. Tracking their progress

Let’s take an event to understand how this problem can be identified with proper goals, by applying the Iceberg Model.

The student is facing difficulty learning a topic from available resources(Books, E-Learning Platforms)

Event- Difficulty in Learning a topic

Patterns- The underlying patterns that give rise to this event could be:

  • The student is not clear with his basic concepts
  • Can’t retain attention for a longer duration
  • Devoting less amount of time for self-study
  • Losing interest, as continuous studying from the textbook becomes monotonous
  • Can’t accustom well with the fast teaching style of the teachers

Structure- The systemic structure for the above-mentioned patterns could be:

  • Schools having a very hectic schedule for the students
  • Mobile phones or tablets were initially built for the purpose of entertainment and for functional aspects, and least for education purposes.
  • Students get distracted soon as they can’t stick to a single task for a prolonged period of time
  • Students are mostly used to supervised or guided learning.
  • Many students are hesitant to ask their doubts in class, publicly.

Mental Model- The underlying motivations, attitudes, believes and expectations that the students could have are :

  • Students think they would be judged as being weak if they ask their doubts in public
  • They are curious to learn about things in chunks/short modules.
  • They have a “Don’t Care Attitude”.
  • Mostly, avoid the use of mobile phones as they think they are a mode of distraction.
  • Students enjoy their time when they play games or engage themselves in any activity
  • They aren’t confident of performing new tasks, they need confirmation/need to enquire before proceeding.

Comparison of insights without and with Iceberg model

Insights Without Iceberg Model

  1. Insights were limited to the event and pattern level
  2. Students are hesitant to use online learning platforms
  3. Their minds get saturated quickly
  4. They love visually engaging and interactive contents
  5. They want to the point solution to their queries

Insights With Iceberg Model

  1. Insights have an association with both structural and mental model level
  2. Students hesitate to learn through online media because they are used to supervised or guided learning
  3. They get saturated when they are not able to establish interest in the subject matter.
  4. When they immerse or indulge themselves in any sort of activity, they enjoy being a part of it.
  5. They need to-the-point answers to their queries as they either get frustrated or leave the task completely if they can’t find a proper answer to their queries.
  6. They associate publicly asking questions with them being perceived as weak.

Key Takeaways

  • Probing deep into the mental model of the students gave important insights like- their intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, low patience level, high curiosity, etc.
  • On a structural level, there is an essential point hinting at India’s education system- which is very rigid in terms of their hectic schedule and the approach taken by the teachers for content delivery to the students.
  • The most important point is- The systems thinking approach provided me with a foundational base to bolster my insights that I got through my research.

This is how approaching the problem through the Iceberg Model, brought me a different set of perspectives in order to probe better into the users and their values. Usually what’s explicit is easily recognizable but there’s always another story to what’s easily visible to us. Through Systems Thinking, I was able to draw out some of those implicit factors as well.

P.S. This is my personal approach towards learning the systems thinking. The reference links have been mentioned at the appropriate places.

Happy Learning 😃!

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In order to get in-depth knowledge and clarity the on Iceberg Model, do refer to the link:

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Shivani Prakash

Interaction Designer @Google | Ex-Microsoft UX Design Intern | Graduate Student @National Institute of Design | UX & Visual Design| Foodie