A UX Writing Case Study: How to Build a Better User Experience in JKN Mobile Apps

Rikeu Rosyana
3 min readMay 4, 2021

A Study about Microcopy - Final Project for UX Writing at dibimbing.id.

Hi, this is my first case study on UX writing. This was written to fulfill one of the graduation requirements of my bootcamp class from dibimbing.id. Hopefully it will be an inspiration!

PROJECT NAME: An Informative Empty States

ROLE: Rewrite UX copy

DATE: May 2021

SAMPLE :A health insurance application (JKN Mobile by BPJS Kesehatan).


In this use case, the user wants to pay insurance arrears for several months. The user didn’t get any further information about that. However, the application cannot display clear information in empty states page. It causes the user get confused to taking the next step.

The best thing to do with this problem is to rewrite the microcopy (commonly known as UX writing) and give a clear information about that. Quoted from Adobe XD, microcopy is the copy or small writing that is commonly found on websites, applications, and products. Usually, microcopy will explain to the user the consequences of the steps to be taken.

The microcopy on empty states should contain a helpful message. According to carbondesignsystem, Empty states are moments in an app where there is no data to display to the user. They are most commonly seen the first time a user interacts with a product or page, but can be used when data has been deleted or is unavailable. The basic empathy states could include:

1. Image (optional);

2. Title;

3. Body;

4. Primary action-button or link in copy (optional);

5. Secondary call to action (optional).


Winny wants to pay her unpaid insurance arrears for several months on the JKN Mobile application. At that time, the BPJS company held an arrears relaxation program for customers who had not paid their bills within installments. However, when Winny wants to find out this info, she only sees empty states with the words “Data Tidak Ditemukan” and there are no further steps she can do.


Winny is confused when she wants to find out the information of insurance arrears. She needs more detail information about that.


Get details of clear information and action button to guide them about what action they need to take.


Reduces Winny’s frustations when she is on empty state pages.


Here are some conclusions I’ve made…


So that’s the end of this UX Writing project. I am really enjoy doing this so much. Thanks to dibimbing.id’s team & the mentor who taught me a lot of things.

Any feedbacks or suggestions are very welcomed. You can leave comments or reach me personally by email.

Thank You :)

Rikeu Rosyana


