Helping People to Book Motorbike Service On the App | Case Study

Hari mukti
5 min readJun 9, 2021

Otoservis is an application that provides convenience for users to service motorbikes so that users don’t need to queue when they want to service their motorbikes.

The Problem

As a motorcycle user for daily activities, I have to service my vehicle at least once every 2 months to just change the oil or other services if it is needed. however, when going to do service at an official workshop, the problem I often feel is that I have to queue to get my turn for service and that sometimes takes quite a long time.

Users & Audience

User & audience in this project is motorbike users.

Roles & Responsibilities

It is a personal project, I did all processes (end-to-end) of UX design, UI design, and create a simple illustration to enhance the user experience.

Scope & Constraints

I designed a flow login and registration, flow service booking, and flow check-in at the official workshop. Challenge in this project is mostly a problem that users find out is technical.




I use the framework to generate the appropriate product. I use design thinking that consists of empathy, define, ideate, prototype, and testing

Design Thinking

Make a Research Plan

I made a research plan to ensure the project is running correctly, and make it easier to determine the next steps.

Research Plan

Identify the User

To identify users more deeply, I conducted interviews according to the research plan that already made. I conducted an interview with 3 participants. Participants are motorbike users who often service their motorbike at official workshops. After conducting the interview, I summarized it into a user persona to find out more about the user.

User Persona

Define the User Needs

To determine the user’s needs, I identified the results of the interview and used several tools to find out what actually the problems, knowing the user’s journey in doing service at the official workshop.

Affinity Diagram for find out the pain point, After knowing the pain points, I can make a solution plan to solve the pain points.

Affinity Diagram

In the affinity diagram, there are many insights, including technical problems that cannot be solved with the product, I only make solutions that can be solved with the product.

Customer Journey Map to find out how the user’s journey starts from looking for awareness/information, consideration, register, waiting for service, until finally the motorbike has been serviced. from here I try to find the flow when the offline service will be converted into a digital flow using the product.

Customer Journey Map

From the Customer Journey Map can also be found an opportunity to develop products and also determine the features that will be made. This opportunity is also a solution to the problems that users find.

Next, I did a Competitive Analysis, from this research I gain a lot of insight about the motorbike service booking ap and determine how’s the feature can actually be developed.

Competitive Analysis

Design Process

I made an Experience Map to describe the journey that users have to complete to service a motorbike. This flow is based on the customer journey map that has been created.

Experience Map

After knowing the flow that the user has to complete by creating an experience map, then I make a design solution with the same flow as the experience map, I only make sketches on paper, to speed up the hi-fi process.


High fidelity Design

High fidelity design is a design that has been given complete visual elements. in the high fidelity section, I divided it into 3 parts, such as login flow, booking flow, and check-in flow.

High Fidelity Design

What’s on Otoservice?, here are serveral feature on otoservice to enhance user experience when using Otoservis.

Create Prototype

I made a prototype that shows visuals and interactions in using an otoservis to order booking motorbike service. You can try the prototype below.


Usability Testing

I did a Usability test using the, testing is done by 5 participants. For all the results of the usability testing, there is one thing that made me surprised.

Design Improvement

After analyzing the test results, I decided to change the design on the home page, the design changes were aimed at minimizing misclick rate.

Thank you for reading,

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