MoCuci App

5 min readJun 10, 2021


Chairul Fajriansyah

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Role : UI/UX Design

Tools Used : Figma, Miro, GDocs, GForms, Jira

Timeline : 2 weeks


MoCuci is an application that provides one-stop-shop services in one application, with a shuttle service to users without having to leave the house, making it easier for users to carry out tasks.

Problem Statement

During the pandemic, the majority of Indonesians carried out total WFH. Most of the activities also lead to online activities. In addition, the duration of cell phone usage (screen time) also increased by about 20% from usual.

Organic application installations also experienced high growth in the categories of finance (+241%), entertainment (+72%), education (+33%), and shopping (+29%) over the same period.


Users & Audience

target in this project is a layer of society that needs cleaning services from washing clothes, vehicles, electronics, to homes so that users don’t have to bother doing all that because they have a very busy schedule and are afraid to leave the house during the pandemic.


this project is to find user problems when users want to carry out cleaning services. from him going to the place of washing / cleaning services until the user finishes getting what he wants.


These are the tools that I use in working on this project.

Competitive Analysis

In making this application I am looking for a laundry application service competitor to be able to analyze the problems of the competitor’s application.



methodology that I use with data collection is using Google Forms because it’s still a pandemic. With 5 respondents who have the habit of using laundry services with Design Process A 5 Stage Process

Stanford’s Design Thinking


User Interview:

In this stage I try to ask 5 respondents who have a habit of going to the laundry, then I ask the respondent to do an interview:

  1. Are you so busy that you don’t have time to wash clothes/wash motorbikes/clean the house?
  2. Why do you want to wash in the laundry?
  3. Was it helped by the laundry service?
  4. What is your reason for using a laundry / cleaning service
  5. Do you have a washing machine / or cleaning?
  6. Is the laundry far from where you live?
  7. What do you usually wash at the laundry/cleaning area?
  8. What are the obstacles when going to the laundry place?
  9. What obstacles do you face when washing in a laundry / cleaning area?
  10. How do you feel when you finish washing at the laundry/cleaning area?
  11. What are the drawbacks when you use a laundry/cleaning service?
  12. Have you ever used a laundry app? if ever mention and explain the advantages of these features.

User Persona:

In this stage I create a user profile to find out the habits of the user in his daily life.


I make 5 participant respondents to do the interview. then form an affinity map to make the pain points clearer.

Affinity Map

Journey Map

  • The Scenario

Lani wants to do laundry because there is no time,

and get a good and fast laundry

so that her clothes are clean and smell good.

  • Goals More


Neat, clean and fragrant clothes

Don’t bother going to the laundry


User Flow

Information Architecture


- Hi-Fi (High-Fidelity)

Register and verify OTP
Home & menu’s
Purchasing & Tracking


Test Prototype


At this stage I make user testing with 5 users to find out whether the needs are appropriate.

  • Determining the criteria:
  1. Gender : Male / female
  2. Age 20–40 years
  3. Smartphone users
  • Scenario Development

“You are a very busy person with no free time to wash clothes. so you want to wash clothes at the laundry to save your time / please use this Mowash App to washclothes unit yourwith a total of 2 shirts, so you can save your time “

  • Using the Complection Rate” as the success metric.
Success Metric
  • Here are some retrieval of documentation that is doing user testing.

The goal is to find out the user is easy to use. It can be seen from the completion rate above that it can be concluded that the user is quite confused in step 3.

User documentation

Thank you for taking the time to read my case study, which is perfect. Sorry if there are errors in writing.

