UX Writing Case Study “OVO” Benefits Page
Hello it’s me “Dinda”.
A few day ago, to be exact on Eid Fitri, after I made a transaction at OVO, I looked at other contents on the application, and then I arrived at the benefits page, when I enter the page, a message appeared that inform me the content failed to load. I try go to previous page and enter the benefits page again, the message still appear. Then I tried to click the “Coba Lagi” button and the message still appeared. Then I tried to refresh my connection and go back to the benefits page, and finally the page opens normally.
So from that problem, I want to discuss the microcopy that appears when content fails to load.
Role: Junior UI/UX Designer that still looking for a job
Tools: Google Form
Timeline: 3 day
- Application Name: OVO
- About this app: A digital money application that makes it easy for users to transact with merchants that work with OVO, so users no longer need to pay using physical money.
- Latest version: 3.35.0
- Latest update: May 3, 2021
Screen Target
“OVO Benefits” Page
This screen contain list all OVO Benefits, what user get by using OVO.
Emotional Condition
When opening this screen, I am curious to know what benefits I get by using OVO.
Screen Flow
Original Microcopy
Microcopy Analysis
In my opinion, this microcopy doesn’t help the user when the user faces a problem, why? Since this microcopy does not tell you when the exact “sementara” is, is it 1 minute? 5 minutes? 15 minutes? or even 1 hour? Because I personally think the word “sementara” is relative to everyone, there are those who feel that 1 minute is “sementara”, while others might feel that 15 minutes is “sementara”, depending on people’s perspective.
For the next point is the sentence “Tunggu sebentar” and“coba lagi nanti”, this is still the same as the “sementara” point, when exactly will that be? 5 minutes? 10 minutes?
It is very important for humans to feel certain in order not to feel insecure. (psychologytoday.com)
The last point of this microcopy is that it doesn’t guide user what should they do if finds a situation like that. Because not all user are “Tech Savvy” that know what to check in such a situation.
Dinda wanted to see the benefits of using OVO, but when opening the benefits page, a message appeared informing the content failed to load. Dinda didn’t know when to try to reload the page again, nor did she know what had caused the page to fail to load the content.
Helping user to know when exactly they can try reloading the benefits page, and tells what to do when the opened page fails to load it’s content.
Provides exact information on when user can reload page and what user should do if the page fails to load it’s content.
Testing Method
Comprehension Testing
Testing Details
List of Question
For testing in this case study using Indonesian because the microcopy discussed uses Indonesian, and to minimize misunderstanding testing question to respondent.
- Understanding
1. Menurut kamu teks ini berusaha menyampaikan apa? - Confusing Word
1. Kata/kalimat apa yang membuatmu bingung? Atau membuat berhenti sejenak sebelum lanjut membaca?
2. Tolong beri revisi dari kata/kalimat yg membuat kamu bingung
3. Bisa diceritakan alasan kenapa menggunakan kata/kalimat tersebut sebagai revisi di point 2? - Feeling After Read Microcopy
1. Apa yang kamu rasakan atau ingin lakukan setelah baca teks diatas? - Microcopy Preferences
1. Dari 2 teks di kuesioner ini, menurut kamu lebih baik yang mana? Teks 1 atau teks 2?
Testing Format
Google Form
First Proposal
Revision Point:
“Harap perbarui aplikasi atau periksa koneksi internet kamu, lalu coba 5 menit lagi.”
Informative & To The Point
I added what users should do when they face a problem like page fails to load it’s content. And also make it clear how long user needs to wait to reload the benefits page again.
Alternate Proposal
Revision Point:
“Jangan panik. Coba cek koneksi internetmu, cek pembaruan aplikasi, atau coba lagi dalam 5 menit.”
Friendly & Assurance
In alternate version I added word “Don’t panic” so user would feel assurance knowing what options they can take to fix their own problem when they can’t contact customer services, and they can feel relieved knowing how long they must wait.
Respondent Data
Respondent 1:
Name: Donny
Age: 24
Profession: Teacher/Private Employees
Testing Date: 5/18/2021 13:47:35
Respondent 2:
Name: Gregorio
Age: 21
Profession: College Student
Testing Date: 5/18/2021 14:07:03
Respondent 3:
Name: Gita
Age: 19
Profession: College Student
Testing Date: 5/18/2021 16:55:31
Respondent Answer
Respondent 1:
First Proposal: For the first proposal, Donny did not comment anything because microcopy succeeded in providing information on when exactly user should reload the page, and what user should do when they found a problem fails to load content.
Alternate Proposal: As for the alternative proposal, Donny suggested that the sentence “Don’t panic.” changed to “Don’t panic!”, because it is an affirmation sentence.
Respondent 2:
First Proposal: For the first proposal, according to Gregorio, the sentence “lalu coba 5 menit lagi” seems to need context, because the words seem informal and there is no context, making them a little confused. He suggested that sentence be changed to “lalu coba lagi setelah 5 menit”.
According to him, the revision will give user impression to repeat what they has done after 5 minutes have passed.
Alternate Proposal: As for the alternative proposal, Gregorio did not comment anything because microcopy had succeeded in providing information on when the user should reload the page, and what the user should do when he found a problem with content failing to load.
But in addition, if the problem persists, it will make the user panic even more, so it’s like only giving hope, not providing a solution.
Respondent 3:
First Proposal: For the first proposal, Gita did not comment anything because microcopy succeeded in providing information on when exactly user should reload the page, and what user should do when they found a problem fails to load content.
Alternate Proposal: As for the alternative proposal, Gita suggested revising “pembaruan” word to “pembaharuan”, because public is more familiar with “pembaharuan” word. However, when referring to EYD, it is better to use “pembaruan” word.
From the testing result to 3 respondent I got insight that all respondent understood the intent of microcopy given is to help users get through the page fails to load, and giving user to know when exactly they can try reloading the page, and tells what to do when the opened page fails to load it’s content
Based on the testing result, users prefer microcopy in first proposal, because that microcopy guides user to do things that can fix the problem by themself when they can’t contact the customer services.
Microcopy Revision
For final microcopy, I revised the sentence
“Harap perbarui aplikasi atau periksa koneksi internet kamu, lalu coba 5 menit lagi.”
in the first proposal to
“Harap perbarui aplikasi atau periksa koneksi internet kamu, lalu coba lagi setelah 5 menit.”
Test Result Data
Visit link to see respondent’s full answer. The answer that respondent uses is Indonesian, because the testing questions used are also Indonesian.
From the testing result to 3 user by giving them 2 different microcopy, I got insight that my microcopy proposal managed to help user get through the problem page fails to load.
And giving user to know when exactly they can try reloading the page, and tells what to do when the opened page fails to load it’s content.