5 Great Reasons for your Child to Earn their Degree in Europe

Moritz Walther
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2020
Artwork by Richard Walther

Is your child preparing to go to college? Deciding which school to go to can be a daunting task. As a parent, you’re there to help. You want to make sure your child gets into a reputable school which will give them the best chances of succeeding in the future. Have you considered Europe yet?

Many people don’t realize that you do not need to be a citizen of a European country to study full-time in Europe. With a shrinking and aging population, Europe is in need of fresh talent and therefore is rolling out the welcome mat for students from across the globe by making it easier than ever to study there. Maybe you still have some trepidations? Maybe you’re thinking — “my kid doesn’t speak a foreign language” or “I can’t afford that”. According to a 2006 survey, 51% of Europeans speak English. More recent data from 2019 shows that in 18 countries 60% or more speak English. European universities are world-class with 15 universities in the world’s top 50. This doesn’t mean education is expensive though, as education is often government-subsidized. In countries like Germany, Sweden, or Norway Americans can study at public universities for free.

So yes, studying in Europe is a very real possibility. More than that though it’s a great idea! At StudEU we specialize in helping Americans come to Europe to study full time. Here are our top 5 reasons why you should consider it:

  1. It’s faster — A bachelor’s degree in Europe only takes 3 years as opposed to 4 like in the USA. Europe cuts out a lot of the general education classes and focuses on your chosen specialization from the start — making it quicker.
  2. Get a competitive boost — Europe offers excellent academic and career opportunities. Europe is in desperate need of young people to fill job vacancies. They also have goals for diversifying the student body or workforce. As a foreigner you add diversity. Our experience is that it is much easier to get into prestigious universities or jobs in Europe then in the USA. When returning to the USA international experience is also highly valued in our globalized economy.
  3. Value for your money — It’s no secret that college in the USA is expensive. In the USA four years at a private school will on average cost you $36.9k. Sure public schools and in-state options are a good bit cheaper (averaging $10.4k and $26.8k respectively), but are very limiting. Students routinely graduate with thousands of dollars in debt. European universities are much more affordable than in the USA. In countries such as Germany, Iceland, and Norway there is no tuition fee at all even for foreign students! The cost of living is also much cheaper in general (with a few exceptions in Scandanavia).
  4. Exposure to diverse cultures — Geographical Europe is made up of 51 countries which each had thousands of years to develop their own languages, traditions, food, art, architecture, etc. Give your child the opportunity to visit new places and meet new people. It’s guaranteed to broaden their horizons!
  5. Learn a language — Learning to speak a second language can open a world of new possibilities. Maybe a few years of language class in high school wasn’t quite enough — but there is nothing like immersion learning to gain this valuable skill.

Now that you see why studying in Europe is a great opportunity. are you considering it for your child? We recommend mulling it over. Have a chat with your child to see if they would be excited to go. You don’t have to make a decision yet, but consider it as an option. Making the right college decision starts with fully understanding all possibilities. If you want more input consider reaching out to us at studeu.net!



Moritz Walther
Editor for

Co-Founder of Studeu.net. We make education an adventure by helping Americans enroll in European university.