Online Learning Community: Studia

Vivy Junita
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2020

Hello gengs. Welcome back to my medium! It’s me Vivy. Everyone has a dream job. So, how’s about yours? Did you have strategies to achieve your dream? If some of you think that your dream is to be a great product manager, we have the same dream!

Did you ever feel like “I want to be XXX but I don’t know how am I get that position”? Nah, you’re same with me. Sometimes I felt confused like what kind of things that I must explore to become a product manager. As you know, if you’re a fresh graduate, you need to explore knowledge about your dream role in professional companies as much as possible as your “bekal”. We need to know about UX, tech and business but what kind of theory that we must explore? *jeng jeng jeng*.

There are many ways to learn about product management. You can read many articles, books, come to a workshop about the product, and join the community that focused on developing the product. Btw, I want to share my experience that joined the online learning community that has product management mentorship program. It is “STUDIA”.

Studia is an online learning community that formed by kak Gilang Ramadhan (Product manager at Tokopedia) and kak Malik Akbar (Product manager at Hactiv8). You can say that Studia as a group of people from Gojek, Tokopedia, Traveloka, Mapan & Others that strive to help those who want to enter roles in tech companies.

Studia is coming to help the last year student or fresh graduated to understand the product management role. Studia believes that community-based learning and mentorship are tools that can help reduce the gap. The mentors are expecting us as a mentee to attend the online mentorship and submit the whole task on time. They believe that Studia can be the community of learner which can change the education landscape in Indonesia.

I knew Studia from my intern friends that also got the broadcast about open recruitment to be the mentee in Studia. It’s really interesting for me and from the bottom of my heart said like “YOU MUST JOIN THIS COMMUNITY” haha. I realize that in my campus, there are a few peoples that interest in product management. I realize that I need someone that can be mentoring me to be a product manager. So, I think Studia can be the right media to explore any things about product management from product managers in Indonesia top companies.

Studia mentors will conduct the weekly online mentorship. The mentor has set the curriculum for three months. The task was project based and guided self learning. Every week, we have a task that must be present in the next week. Some mentors and your friends will give you feedback to your presentation and you’ll get the new insights from them. You can check the one of my tasks here.

The mentors also share their experiences like the steps how they become a product manager and then how the PM life in the office. They also gave us the tips and trick to get the job as product manager like how to make the good CV, etc.

From Studia, I learned that to be a product manager, you must think structurally. You must think about what’s the problem first and then how can you solve the problem with the effective solution. You also must think about the effort and the impact based on data. As a product manager, you must have an ability for decision making.

So, What are you waiting for? Do you want to join Studia? If your answer is yes, you must waiting for the announcement in Studia official website (coming soon).

If you any questions, feels free to contact me via direct message in any social media or my linkedin. Thank you.



Vivy Junita
Writer for

A girl that wants to be a great product manager that can help people’s lives become easier