I turned 18, here’s what I learned

Studio 13 Magazine
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2023
Photo by Julian Mißling on Unsplash

I encountered a random 54 guy who have the same hobby of filmmaking. I asked him about his life.

We had some small talks over our struggles, regrets that irritate us until now. After a while of sharing from both sides, I received some of his advice over my outfit and relationship.

This article includes both my self lessons and his suggestions.

  1. At the age of 18, love is important.

Especially when you haven’t been in a romantic relationship, better find one since it has its nourishment which is essential to our development.

In order to grow, support each other, love is necessary.

It’s good to have people along, specifically when we’re struggling. We’re here on this planet to work together not solely alone. A good partner will listen, sympathize, cherish for our small achievements.

A good foundation.

A better future.

Of course, it takes time. He told me to keep trying, the more attempts I have the more rejection you’ll receive. Conversely, we can take that experience to go forward.

Before considering finding a partner, we should already know how to love yourself. It’s important since we know how to take after people only when we know how to do it with ourselves.

Guess what? Everyone should understand this before jumping right in and hanging out.

  • You’re the most handsome/pretty person in this world.
  • You’re worth being loved, taken care of.
  • There’s always people out there who do respect, admire your existence.

Don’t be desperately finding love, if that person isn’t right for you than let her/him go. Always be ready for a better relationship, not shutting down the door. Open yourself and let the door of opportunity works.

You shouldn’t give up after one or two relationships. That’s too soon!

It might take long time to find the true soulmate but please remember finding partner is the process not the destination.

Plus, don’t be to hurry, finding with hopeless attitude, or make a quick proclaiming that it’s unnecessary. Thus, it won’t work since our mind affects heavily to the outcome.

2. At the age of 18, physical body is important

Trust me. Your workflow will depend heavily on our physical health. Thought might become bizarre, or stuck in the spiral of overthinking, and it will decrease performance.

You can practice calisthenics to shape your body into a more attractive one. Of course, this serves the purpose of finding a partner if you’re interested. Also, a good appearance will easier for you to find suitable clothes.

I was kidding. That form of exercise is a perfect way to achieve healthy longevity since it will develop your functional strength.

It can boost mood, help reduce stress levels in these modern day, plus, it doesn’t require equipment. It will reduce screen time since it’s infeasible to do both the work and check for messages at the same time.

Our human body is designed to move, thus ain’t it a good choice for you to consider?

3. Experience more

Bro, make more mistakes but in parallel to responsibility.

You can not mess everything up, let others solve the troubles you created. That’s irresponsibility.

The feeling of taking risks is great, coming out of a safe zone is tremendously interesting.

We’re living on this Earth to experience everything. Even a fault has its lessons, we learn more from mistakes than achievements.

Listen up, I’m scared also but when we come out of our shell that feeling is super refreshing.

If life doesn’t force you to move on than the speed of technology development will.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a choice here.

Bro, travel more.

Spare some money to have some trips to a random place you like or go with the people you’re close to.

Connection will make us feel better, reduce stress, or even bring happiness. After all, we’re social creatures, and it’s crucial to have some trips outside.

Oh, you should think more about alone-traveling. There’s a lot of benefits of being a solo travel.

You’ll learn how to be lonely. Most of the time, you’ll go alone, observing on your own, and enjoying time without any disturbances or thinking you have to follow ideas of other people. It’s your choice to go somewhere.

Since it’s your decision, responsibility can be tough you might need some new friends. On the road to your destination, you might ask a stranger, there’s a high chance of making new friends with that coincidence.

They might see you as a cool guy since not so many people travel alone. People will admire you so don’t be embarrassed.

4. Money, money, money

It’s necessary to think about money from now on because without them you can’t do anything. A tool for buying experiences, fulling your stomach with good food to experience those experiences.

We’re playing a game, thinking about what to eat tonight, tomorrow, of course it should be ended when necessary to provide us a better lifestyle. We might have more room for other things when we successfully solve the physiological needs.

The amount of time that has to be invested to reach the state of financial independence might be different for each people.

Trust me, worth thinking about from now on since it takes an annual income to save. In order to have a good amount of it for saving, we have to start investing in ourselves.

In every aspect, investing in yourself is the most less risk but high return investment.

Think about how to create value since the foundation of making money is value-exchanging.

Sooner or later, a money problem will be the thing to be faced no matter how hard you try to run away from it.

In the end please remember this: We’re living on this Earth to enjoy and experience not solely stressed out about everything.

We’re all have different lessons, ways to move forward. There’s no one-size-fit-all solutions but can be reviewed and considered. I hope that it might give some senses about the road to personal development.

