It ain’t your fault

Studio 13 Magazine
4 min readJul 16, 2023


I start realizing one of the most essential things, everything including your trauma background isn’t your fault. it simply the necessary foundation, something that makes us reach our full potential as well as making us realize something. The difference between ones who experience more trauma and those who cope with less is that those first group will have some supper power that normal people don’t have.

Let me tell you my own story.

My parents, they usually ignore my own opinions, each time I try to speak for something I want, usually the responses I receive were ignorance. Worse, they yelled back at me. We were stuck in financial vulnerability for several years, even morning eating I had to skip sometimes. Living in such a family that doesn’t possess any warm feeling.

Trade off, I haven’t fully grown my body fat that fits with my heights, frankly saying way worse than the kilograms that can be considered normal. Another thing would be I’m not deserved to receive love and care from other people. I’m not even supposed to speak up for the thing I want in later life growing up, something blocking at my throat. It causes me quite a lot of trouble when I live in the dorm, as well as working with as a team member.

But there’s a power I can receive back, I have better listening skills since I can’t confidently speak for my opinions due to my past traumas. I feel empathy, synchronize with other people’s situations better than my peers. I care more about the amount of money I spend when I grow up, especially in budgeting my own money. I invest myself in something worthwhile, rather than something that pleases me for a short-term feeling. I care more about ethics, moral values on how to be good, better people.

It isn’t always the case that bad means bad.

It comes for a reason, our mission is to find that simple but yet, hard to see one. During that period, we might see ourselves as unable to move on, desperate for help, hopeless, gloomy. It’s all the normal traits we possess as a human, biological creature. Thus, we’ll usually not be that rational like we think. In most cases, what we usually do is tryna run away or do something to make the situation less severe. Of course, it’s fine.

But when you think carefully (I’m like you, not really that rational like this when writing), every coincidence comes, there’s a chance to step further in your personal development, you actually need to take use of all of it when it arrives in your life. When it comes, you choose to face it, it’s now more like a commitment for you to learn the lessons. It costs you an arm and a leg when leaving it before the situation is ripe.

What you can do is take a break.

Take a break from your bizarre thoughts, or take a break from your work to think about the problems, solve them. Or a better way, mention and talk about it, especially how it makes you feel.

There’s many ways you can do it, I’ll suggest someway I find it meaningful.

  1. Rap

Yes, I’m not kidding you. Now it’s quite easy for searching melodies, simply go on Youtube and find some that suit your mood. You actually need to learn something like bars, hook, auto, bridge, intro. Someway around to make your words sound match to the next sentences. But for beginners, serve with the purpose of spitting out your bizarre thoughts, I find it do some random sentences that fit well with the beat. It’s one of the best ways to get back your lost touch feeling.

  1. Podcast

It’s fine to simply grab your phone up, find a quiet place and start recording. I find it’s easy to have a phone on hand today. One of the most interesting facts is when you speak, you’ll stay closest to yourself the most. It’s good to recognize what you’re thinking, what ignites your flow of negative thoughts. Don’t have to be professional anyway, you can make yourself a channel, invest more time on how to make a podcast. My suggestion would be to search for Spotify for Podcasters, you don’t need to have any basic knowledge about how to make one. Simply do some settings, foundation step to create your channel. You’ll know what to do next to record your voice, upload them to Spotify.

  1. Sitting and doing nothing

Yes. I can’t find any other way new, this case is exceptional. Try to make yourself stop thinking, not really stop thinking but shifting your perspective to something else for a while. Like simply looking at a table, a pencil, something near you. Focus solely on that object, separates yourself from the problem can be considered running away but in this way, I called it rest your mind for a while. There’s another way but I don’t think it’s healthy like surfing the internet or social medias, it might keep you in the infinite loop of procrastinating, at least for hours. It is born to make you feel addictive so make sure to be careful about that solution. You could go shopping but I don’t think it’s a good way in the background I’m trying to make off. You might find yourself completely quit from the problem as well.


Every single situation, even a collapse event teaches us something thoughtful. But when we find ourselves unable to solve them, there’s some way around we could mention the impact it makes on us to decrease the difficulty as well as realize part of the problem (since you talk about them).

