Stop seeking

Studio 13 Magazine
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2023

Nothing miracle will happen when you dig too dive in.

Photo by Bayram Musayev

As a meditation guy who has been in this field for more than one year, I found nothing much.

At least from the perspective of a frequently experienced meditator, I feel it’s better to focus more on the outer world when you reach a good foundation about yourself at a certain point.

It’s hard to say but suffering from the puzzle life throws at us, would be way better than continuing the addictive vibe I attain from meditation.

We have things to do, of course, building up our authority, chasing dreams. It’s all a vital part of our lives.

We can’t live a solely spiritual life or a materialistic one. Some sort of balance is essential to our handful of worthy experiences in this world. If you can make money by simply meditating all day then sure, go ahead.

If you can make a fulfilled life without any connection, touching things but full of some tangible objects then sure, *go straight.*

To make everything happen, the true life you want I think it would be a couple of great experiences, could be a thoughtful one when you introspect life.

But at some point, you’ll be stuck, it’ll be such a meaningless thing you have no choice but to accept. That you’re finding meaningful things in this futile world.

Give it all the power you have by all any sense, in any way, since who knows you might die tomorrow? Live with all your heart so that you won’t regret it.

We all have one choice, to live, to attempt to move on, and to suffer.
Wait, hold on. We were born just to work? Really. Not!

If you’re a hustler, take more time to appreciate life.

I am clueless about how hustle feels but to be honest, there should be a clear balance between the thing you’re working for versus the award you’re worth. Sometimes, we might feel burned out, of course, our present effort is for the brightest future but does it matter when we have to trade off mentality just to chase that goal?


Here’s my story.

I have dedicated my three years to simply studying, joining competitions, and developing my skills. I lost things called memories. Of course, I know, I got something that other kids in my same generation don’t have. I moved pretty far on the academic path but I even lost my friends along the way. Yes, whatever claiming you have.

If you’re human, a connection is a vital part of making you happy.

You may need to go to a strange coffee shop and make friends with whatever you meet. I did, and with my communication problems, it worked like hell. You have to let yourself loose a little bit just to fit the vibe of the conversation. Yes, I am an ambivert so I can sense the pain here if you’re an introvert reader.

You can hear others’ stories, and your perspective about life might be expanded. Some strange guys are weird. Some awe moments might also be a good salt for your life.

To make it less meaningless.

Some could deny the conversation but it’s alright…
A lesson worth sharing, especially when you’re talking to a stranger.

Obviously, as an extravert, I can make use of this occasion to share some of my snippets that I find hard to share with my parents or close friends. Well, you might see the person you’re seeking as well, who knows! It pretty much depends on various ways but the value you get back is quite tremendous (a bit exaggerated).

A small talk to you here.

I think you should stop seeking out the meaning of life since it’s meaningless. Focus more on developing your skill, and experience more things with the amount of money you make by creating good values for society.

There’s not even a meaning in life. Trust me.
I’m not deceiving you or making it worse but that’s what it is.

Even famous psychologists or philosophers also say the same thing. We will finally be stuck in the loop of evolution which means we’re all eventually dead. So do all the creatures in this world.

The only thing that remains is the lessons, the blessings that you gave. Soon, everything will be destroyed. You can’t fight against nature. Therefore, keep living with a good intention, less attempt to lie or take advantage of people.

Step further with the mindset that what you give to the world will be given back to you someday.

