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The world is not complicated, it is cold

Studio 13 Magazine
5 min readSep 6, 2023


I know, that more and more apps are being built based on distribution platforms, and it would be a great chance for more equality is be approved by people but in some senses; they do have troubles.

  • It also means that there aren’t many things united.

We would base our trust in the technology that runs the application, and lose our trust in the algorithms rather than on human beings. The more trust we have in machines, the less we have to put in humans. It is one of the most contributing factors to the driving force we will have in the future.

The content is becoming more distributed, and the rise of social media has started rising making the art of asking for peer recommendations become legend during this stage, which would make it harder for marketing to market to products like the day before.

The rising of DYOR is best to define the activity of searching for information on our own, another goodness starts rising. Would you rather ask for help, or do your research? I guess it would be researching on your own first and start making decisions that have other people’s opinions as the source of the process we can now skip the process by looking at the review on Youtube.

Advertising do have an impact but most of the impact come from a friend’s recommendation or the advice you have from other people, but the process would mostly start individualism changing, would you need to message or watch review on social media platforms, like YouTube?

There are many interactions needed here when the way social media starts changing the way we approach, we start making our choices based on our own, and we aren’t hanging out much like we did before. We do have Discord hang out, you know, we do have Netflix, you know, these things, should be able to decrease the out-time hanging in real life.

  • Will it cost you something?

Would you hang out with friends on the internet or the real life, If the answer is the internet then would you hang out alone or with friends in real life?

That is indeed another whole point for why people are starting to have cold while in summer. I don’t think virtual hang out is great and ideal, I see so many things start decreasing, more virtual living, something missing when having those compared to real life.

That would cause us other problems

  • Would you rather participate in a real-life event or a virtual one?

Since we’ve already had a live stream and such, isn’t it better to stay at home without going outside? This might contribute to the fact that there wouldn’t be so many real big groups before, but here separated into smaller ones, it isn’t a super big one like before (if it is it would probably be the virtual community).

  • Okay, now you stay at home and could work remotely also.

The company’s application would one hundred percent care about your situation and try to distract you from your work. The apps now in This modern century have started making apps in a way that maximizes your screen time since more time on the screen means more money. Chances are, it wouldn’t be nice if you watch several TikTok videos before heading to work, to make a fresh start that it is the first success you’ll have in the day, then during a break, you think it’ll last for 15 minutes but turned out the result are quite a bit confusing, it’s 2 hours.

We’re now in the industry of a period when everything starts messing up, including your data in the way that they will predict what you would like next. Some content, might be entertainment but think of it as a way of brainwashing how you think.

  • Would you consider having a walk outside and talking to people or having a small 15-minute TikTok at home?

The creator tries to catch your attention, the apps make their way to catch your attention, and the content looks nice, like it, loops in a circle of watching and watching nonstop for 1 hour. If the creator wants the money and wants sustainability, they would probably need to catch your attention but in your turn, if too much attention catching, you will start judging yourself why would you waste your life while the faults fall short on both sides?

You start looking for some productivity tips and dive into the world of productivity but still so many articles, and videos that say so many things about them. You get lost, feel bad, get depressed, and don’t know how to get out of this infinite loop of entertainment. Because other people meet the same problems, they don’t have time to solve for you these things.

You get alone.

You start posting a post on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter saying that I’m feeling depressed and need some ‘fake caring ‘ from strangers, some of them wouldn’t care, some of them might not but most of them won’t since *algorithms*. Your post won’t appear much to people when it’s identified as ‘negative’, This time, having no hope in people, you start shutting the door of communicating and interacting with people and start labeling yourself as an ‘introvert’.

Social media works in a way that may also help us but drive us apart, we start processing, making the work on our own rather than asking people. You focus more on your life, rather than other people’s lives, you start focusing on the *problem that you have* rather than the other’s people problem. Everything starts with individualism, including typing, hit sending, like interact, it’s you, and… you, no one else.

Can anyone do the whole process for you? Nope, it’s you sadly.

We’re also living in such a fast-paced life where everything travels pretty fast, including the speed typing and messaging of the other side world of a person, instantly, with not so many obstacles.

But it lacks something, the appearance of the person, the story’s background, all those things seem missing. It feels like we’re having people in front but in fact, part of them. You feel like you’re talking to someone, however you’re messaging. It fakes the feeling of people but does not clearly signal you the sign of missing, all have been traded with something else… Look at a deeper level, you’re still alone.

That missing feeling in social media helps people work more on their problems but lack the caring feeling in daily life, the rise of unexpected erroneous labeling ‘introvert’ has risen the wave of having ‘me-time’ but underrate the performance of real-life ‘hanging out’. You’re already covered in a fake house feeling fulfilled but empty. Your house is already full of likes and shares, there’s no room for real-life caring…

You walk outside but have the phone in your hand scrolling TikTok videos, using earbuds on your head with block noise functionality. Let me ask you this question, Would you bother helping a guy outside or the guy on the internet?

Chances are, people’s looking for help aren’t the case when you’re surfing except they’re screaming for help, but oh, you’re using earbuds with block-out noise.

