Ken Wang’s noisemosaic: the portfolio gone viral |STUDIO Story

Stefania from STUDIO
STUDIO design
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2019

STUDIO Story is a new series of interviews to talented creatives, designers, entrepreneurs who love STUDIO.

The first guest of the series is Ken Wang, a multidisciplinary creative based in Sydney. Using STUDIO, he created his portfolio website: noisemosaic.

Hi Ken! First, tell me more about what you do and your background in design.

I’m a Media Arts student at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. Through courses and self-study I have developed multidisciplinary skills spanning video production, graphic design, animation, photography and sound design. I am actually now in the final week of the course and looking for my second job in graphic design.

Let’s talk about the website you created with STUDIO, noisemosaic. It is a such a cool website. We shared it on Twitter and got more than 1,000 likes and comments! What is it and why did you choose STUDIO to create it?

noisemosaic is my first online portfolio. I came across STUDIO and chose it for this project because I wanted to design visually and have control on every single detail, without having to code. Before STUDIO, I tried using Dreamweaver or Wordpress, but I found that those applications were unnecessarily complicated and required too much fidgeting with code. I simply wanted to start with a blank canvas and focus on the design.

After using it for your project, what did you feel were some advantages of STUDIO?

The main advantage is that you can quickly go from design to final product. It felt a lot like designing on AdobeXD, except that I could skip the prototyping step: when you design with STUDIO, you can see instantly how the page looks through the live preview. That’s one of the features I like the most! Another advantage I found is the ease of designing responsively for different devices.

What is the concept behind your portfolio?

I wanted the portfolio to create a coherent brand image that is in line with my personal aesthetic style. I really love geometric shapes and modern, minimalist style. Also, I knew from the start that I wanted to implement the idea of continuous scrolling on a single website, inspired by the Apple home page. So, I created the image that you see at the top of the websites: a series of geometrical, multicolored lines representing the variety of my skills and converging in a sort of funnel pointing at my name.

Both your portfolio and your work have a unique style: what is your inspiration?

If I had to identify a source of inspiration I would say Bauhaus school and Erik Nitsche. Every time I design, I am careful not to deviate from aesthetic rules I set for myself. Also, an example of Japanese design I particularly like is the Tokyo 2020 Olympics logo, with its chequered, geometric shape.

Now that you are a STUDIO expert, who would you feel like recommending it to?

I would definitely recommend it to artists, designers and other creative professionals; especially for their portfolios. Being creative people, we don’t like using ready made templates: we would rather have the freedom to customize every single detail of our own website to express our unique style.

What are your goals for the next years and how would you like STUDIO to improve in the near future?

I would like to become a creative director! As for STUDIO, I’d like to see more customization options, for example more animations, the option to integrate external apps, upload your own fonts or add custom HTML/CSS if needed.

Sounds good! We are working on all of those features and we have something exciting in store for this summer so stay tuned!

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