Canada Learning Code: A design case study

This is an archive of v.1 of our Canada Learning Code rebrand case study. The latest text, images, and motion graphics can be found at:

Studio Function
Studio Function
6 min readDec 29, 2020


Solidifying Canada as a leader in innovation

Canada Learning Code is on a mission to help 10 million Canadians learn vital skills for the digital economy. Through program workshops, strategic partnerships, and a focus on underrepresented demographics in STEM, the organization is changing the landscape of tech education nationwide. CLC’s leadership team required a new overarching, national identity to unify its various programs in a brand umbrella, along with a design strategy to ensure quality and consistency of all communication touchpoints moving forward.

An overview of our creative brief, brand planning, and messaging strategy documents for Canada Learning Code

Audience definition & strategic planning

The positioning of a new identity requires clear definition of audiences and communication goals. The creative brief process captures essential input from stakeholders and sets a criteria for successful messaging and visual design. A positioning strategy for the preservation of established, well-known program identities like Ladies Learning Code was also essential to the process of generating CLC’s new national brand.

All logos, brand icons, and wordmark for the Canada Learning Code brand family shown together in lockups

Crafting logos as cornerstones

CLC required the creation of a new logomark to communicate stability and accessibility to a wide audience of learners, educators, partners, and volunteers. Refinements to existing program logos helped establish a flexible system for the addition of new initiatives in the future.

Cover and double page spread print design for Canada Learning Code’s social impact report

Amplifying results

New visual language provided a system for simple, memorable communication in reports and other printed material.

Poster design, brand messaging, logo, and illustration for Canada Learning Code shown in OOH marketing context

Impact from a distance

An awareness campaign was created to express the possibilities of code and encourage the latent creativity that exists in all people.

An example of overlapping Canada Learning Code brand colours on a textured canvas background

Meaningful metaphors in visual elements

CLC believes that coding education can make a significant impact on the lives of all Canadians, and contribute greatly to the health of Canada’s economy. Aspects of the new visual identity represent the energy created by the intersection of the digital and physical world.

Examples of Canada Learning Code’s responsive web design and landing page messaging

Memorable web design

A contemporary web design was required to introduce CLC’s new visual identity and position their program offerings. Interesting size hierarchies and layout alignments create a memorable design that communicate with clarity and interest.

Brand typography and supporting UI icons shown on iPad devices

The responsive layout was designed to accommodate french and english content in all page sections. Key stats and other achievements were called out to help viewers read quickly. Social media integration was another important aspect of the site design to support CLC’s impressive number of followers nationwide. View the site

Canada Learning Code brand colours and brand icon shown in example social media context

Branded social properties

Social media is a critical aspect of CLC’s communication strategy. Twitter in particular allows CLC to promote events and engage with communities associated with its various programs. Large groups of learners, partners, and volunteers are united by conversations and the common goal of making tech education accessible to all.

Social media template design including brand typography and graphic art direction for Canada lLearning Code

Extensions of CLC’s visual language create impactful, attractive graphics that are highly visible in crowded news feeds.

Print design of business cards for Ladies Learning Code and other properties in the Canada Learning Code brand umbrella

Cards to help the cause

Name cards for team members needed to showcase CLC branding as well as the respective program identity for chapter leads involved at the local level. A vertical orientation and bold use of colour help these designs make an impact.

Identity design, illustration, and art direction examples for Ladies Learning Code

Educational program — Ladies Learning Code

Founded in 2011, Ladies Learning Code is the original educational program. Over the years it has gained much notoriety and brand equity, so the challenge was to integrate it into the larger brand umbrella while preserving its character and charm. Updates were made to LLC’s visual language with new typographic and illustration styles. For a deeper look at our collaborations with LLC since 2011, read our design retrospective on Medium.

Example ID badge design including custom icons and brand colours for Teens Learning Code

Educational program — Teens Learning Code

Teens Learning Code is a new addition to the program family that offers clubs, workshops, and networking events for young learners. Specific icons and energetic design pieces were created to resonate with this audience.

Example certificate print design for Girls Learning Code and Kids Learning Code

Educational program — Kids & Girls Learning Code

Encouraging kids, particularly girls, to develop an interest in coding is central to the success of CLC’s mission. A range of design collateral was created to support these educational programs and encourage young minds to pursue an interest in technology.

Example booklet print design featuring custom illustrations and brand typography for Teachers Learning Code

Educational program — Teachers Learning Code

Classrooms also play an essential role in making coding education more accessible to young Canadians. CLC created specific material that allows teachers to deliver existing curriculum through the lens of coding exercises. Simple, characterful visual design was required to help these assets communicate clearly and inspire educators.

An overview of the visual standards manual that promotes consistency throughout the Canada Learning Code identity system

Ensuring quality & consistency

Canada Learning Code’s new visual identity will be used by various team members, volunteers, and community partners. This resource helps ensure graphic standards are upheld during the application, extension, or future generation of brand assets. Visual consistency across a range of touchpoints helps elevate the organization, underscores credibility, and encourages the formation of new partnerships.

Ladies Learning Code identity standards resource that promotes design consistency in colour, type, and logo application

Program graphic standards

Quality and consistency are also required when working with specific program-level identities. A second resource was created to highlight typographic treatments, illustration styles, use of colour, and other essential characteristics for each program initiative.

An animated demo of the Canada Learning Code case study in the Studio Function portfolio

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Studio Function
Studio Function

We’re a Toronto-based design studio focused on the propagation of meaningful solutions to communication design challenges.